7 Things Christians Need to Understand About World Day of Social Justice

The World Day of Social Justice is observed on January 20th. It has become apparent that many Christians do not understand what Social Justice really means.

The World Day of Social Justice has been observed on January 20th by a declaration of the United Nations General Assembly since 2008. Social Justice sounds like a worthy cause. It is, in fact, a term often used by NGOs to describe the nature of their charitable work.

However, it has become increasingly apparent that many Christians do not understand what Social Justice really means.

  1. Social Justice is not equivalent to compassion, yet many Christians believe that it is. This misunderstanding may have been caused by the infusion of the “social gospel” that came into vogue among some mainline denominations during the 1940s and 1950s. It may also have happened as a result of hearing the term used repeatedly in the context of correcting the world’s wrongs.
  2. Social Justice is difficult to define. Without a single clear definition, words and phrases can be easily misappropriated and applied. Here are a few descriptions of Social Justice.
    • “The need for a more equal distribution of wealth and resources.”
    • “Social Justice as a concept arose in the early 19th century during the Industrial Revolution and subsequent civil revolutions throughout Europe, which aimed to create more egalitarian societies and remedy capitalistic exploitation of human labor.”
    • “The idea of social justice is that all people should have equal access to wealth, health, well-being, justice, privileges, and opportunity regardless of their legal, political, economic, or other circumstances.”
    • “The distribution of advantages and disadvantages in society.”
    • “Social justice may be broadly understood as the fair and compassionate distribution of the fruits of economic growth.”
    • “Social justice is the view that everyone deserves equal economic, political and social rights and opportunities. Social workers aim to open the doors of access and opportunity for everyone, particularly those in greatest need.”
    • “Social justice may be broadly understood as the fair and compassionate distribution of the fruits of economic growth.”
    • “Social Justice takes on many of the qualities of a religion and should be recognized and treated as such, at least culturally. This means applying the social architecture of secularism to the phenomenon.”
  3. The primary objective of Social Justice is equalization by (re)distribution of wealth and resources. Having said that, I suggest reviewing the definitions/ descriptions one more time within the context of equalization and (re)distribution in mind.

Why is this important for Christians to understand?

True believers must walk being led by the Holy Spirit, not according to worldly philosophies. We are in the world, but we are not of the world. Therefore, Christ-followers must discern the difference between the secular and the sacred.

  1. Social Justice is a secular concept disguised in sheep’s clothing. It does not take a particularly deep dive into the facts about Social Justice to realize that it is a socio-economic issue closely related to socialism and communism. This helps to explain why the term has become so popular with the liberal “progressive” left.
  2. The ultimate goal of Social Justice is a one world order where everyone is treated “fairly.” Satan’s most powerful tactic is deception. The Bible teaches that the Lord, and only the Lord, will ultimately set all things right. Every attempt by man to do so will end in failure.
  3. Christians are called to a very personal level of compassion and care – not to constructing a global system of equality. The two Great Commandments are each very personal. Love the Lord. Love our neighbor. In some cases, our “neighbor” may live halfway around the world. If so, we express our individual concern, compassion, and charity collectively to help meet their needs.
  4. Our task is to teach and demonstrate the love of Jesus. Some of the aid we offer may appear to be similar to what others do in the name of Social Justice (e.g., providing clean water, sanitation, education, medical aid), but our motivation is not equality. Out motivation is love.

Real followers of Christ do what we can to be Christ-like. We accomplish that by doing good for others in ways that clearly prove that we love them just like He does. We do it by becoming, as it were, the hands and feet of Jesus. We do it by investing our time and resources sacrificially to those who are in need.

We are not trying to make the world a better place (whatever that means). We are trying to show individuals all over the world that Jesus loves them, and we do too.

The world doesn’t need Social Justice. It needs Jesus.

To read more news on Social Justice on Missions Box, go here.

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