A Large Language Model for Christian AI

Developers of the Christian-Aligned Large Language Model are building an AI resource that they hope will be of value to Christians

BOULDER, COLORADO — Developers of the Christian-Aligned Large Language Model are building an AI resource that they hope will be of value to Christians who want to use Artificial Intelligence to explore Christian issues and topics.

At a recent hackathon in Boulder, Colorado, developers are creating new AI tools that serve the Christian community. The Christian Aligned Large Language Model, or CALLM, is designed to address faith-based questions by utilizing carefully curated Christian content.

Artificial intelligence, or AI, seems to be everywhere these days. Tools like ChatGPT, Copilot, and Claude can do amazing things. But for some Christians who are interested in using AI, the issue of trust is giving them pause.

Brad HillChief Solutions Officer at Gloo:

Today, Christians, people of faith, are questioning a lot of those tools and wondering what’s behind it.

What’s behind it is a database of information collected from every corner of the internet. These large language models are the fuel that power these amazing technologies. But sometimes the information is of questionable quality.


Gee whiz, it’s really nifty that it can produce all these answers, but can I trust it?

Kenny Jahng Founder of AI for Church Leaders:

In the ministry context, We need our own innovation to happen with the feedback loop with our own communities. And this is just one of the shining lights, uh, in that space.

The shining light is something called CALLM, the Christian Aligned Large Language Model that uses carefully selected and curated sources to build its database.

Steele BillingsManaging Partner of Gloo Ventures & AI:

So we created CALLM with the hope that it would drive people back to these faith based pieces of content, the most powerful content sets in the world. and ultimately help people become all that they were created to be.

The goal is to serve the Christian community with an AI tool that has the potential and ability to address faith based questions and matters of a spiritual nature.


And last night at the hackathon, we opened up developer access to that, uh, CALLM, large language model, um, to the LLM. And the developers at the hackathon are able to now start building applications on top of it.


Our hope, including here at this hackathon. is that underlying capabilities like Calm will help to spur yet a new generation of innovation of tools that can be built on top of it.

Christian publishers and content producers are partnering with GLOO to make CALM a valuable resource for [00:02:00] pastors, seminary students, and Christians who want to use AI to explore faith-based issues and topics.


The types of content that’s gone into CALLM to date would be the 70 years of Christianity Today’s content, which include things like magazine articles, news articles, videos, uh, podcasts.

Uh, other partners that have participated would be Ligonier, which is R. C. Sproul’s ministry. All of these publishers represent organizations who are saying, we are all about helping Gloo figure out how do we come together and take a unified approach to this thing called artificial intelligence because we do believe it’s going to be a big deal. We believe we have a massive opportunity here.

Read more news on Christian Ministry on Missions Box.

Source: Global News Alliance, A Large Language Model for Christian AI

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