ABC News Correspondent Writes New Book About God Through the Eyes of a Child

NEW YORK – Emmy-winning correspondent for ABC News, Linsey Davis wanted to help her young son understand and be thankful for the bounty of God’s blessings in our everyday life. Her quest resulted in writing her first children’s book, The World Is Awake, A celebration of everyday blessings.

The inspiration for the book came from her son, Ayden, when he was two-years old. He asked her, “Who opens the flowers?” Additional motivation came from seeing that most of the Christian books for children told Bible stories in a simplified format. She realized that Ayden’s questions weren’t about Bible characters, but about the world around him.

Taking Psalm 118:24 – “This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” – she began to think that explaining God’s direct involvement in creation and the world around us might be a better way to address the questions to which young children are seeking answers like “Who opens the flowers?”

Davis believes that “children’s books all need a window and a mirror – a mirror to reflect who they are and a window to peer into the world around.” She wrote wanting to see the world through the eyes of a child – eyes filled with wonder and amazement at every new day and the experiences it holds for them. Her hope is that this book will become a pattern for a genre that exposes children to “all of God’s splendor around them . . . that is waiting to be embraced.” describes the book as “a lyrical, rhyming story for young children intended to make them feel safe and joyful, cradled in the hands of God.”

Davis’s book reminds us all that “The world is awake – it’s a wonderful place, alive with God’s power and glad with His grace.”


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