Violent Attacks and Abductions Continue in Northern Nigeria

Armed men attacked the Karji suburb in Nigeria & abducted daughters of a pastor & two others, one of whom had been displaced by violence.

NIGERIA — According to reports from Christian Solidarity Worldwide armed men attacked the Karji suburb of Kaduna City in Northern Nigeria last month and abducted five daughters of a local church pastor and two other individuals, one of whom had been displaced by violence.

The attacks are the most recent in increasing violence in southern Kaduna which began on 26 October.

At least 10 people were killed and around 28 abducted in the latest in a series of increasing attacks by armed Fulani herdsmen last month in southern Kaduna in Northern Nigeria.

Mervyn Thomas, Christian Solidarity Worldwide:

“The Fulani that are going onto people’s land and many of them are actually suddenly becoming armed with AK47 rifles and other sophisticated weaponry. And they’re not just coming on to drive their cattle onto the land. They’re coming on simply to kill and to maim and to destroy whole villages.”

Earlier this year several high-profile Nigerians in the entertainment industry took part in a campaign calling for an end to the ongoing violence targeting communities in southern Kaduna state.

Thomas concluded by challenging Christians across the world to speak out against these attacks:

“Please pressure your legislators and say we need to put pressure on Nigeria to say stop this killing.”

About Christian Solidarity Worldwide

Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) is a human rights organisation which specialises in religious freedom and works on behalf of those persecuted for their Christian beliefs, persecuted for other religious belief or persecuted for lack of belief. Its current president is Jonathan Aitken, who succeeded Baroness Cox in 2006.[1]

CSW’s team of specialist advocates work on over 20 countries across Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East, to ensure that the right to freedom of religion or belief is upheld and protected.

Their vision is a world free from religious persecution, where everyone can practise a religion or belief of their choice.

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