Choose Life? Put it on Your License Plate!

Sanctity of life comes under attack when we refuse to recognize our Creator & refuse to enter into a relationship with Him through the love of Jesus Christ.

OCALA, FL – The sanctity of life comes under attack when men and women refuse to recognize our Creator and refuse to enter into a relationship with Him through the love of Jesus Christ. The door to abortion swings on the hinges of regard for the sanctity of life.

  • It is estimated that 42.4 million babies were aborted worldwide in 2019.
  • Every day last year, more than 3,000 babies were aborted in the United States alone.
  • Not including miscarriages, 22 percent of all pregnancies in the US end in abortion.

Whether in South Asia or South Carolina, our hearts break for these innocent, unborn babies who are aborted because they are unwanted.

Great strides are being made to raise a standard on behalf of their interrupted lives.

One of the NGOs effectively raising awareness for protecting the lives of the unborn is Choose Life, based in Ocala, Florida.

It took four years and a new governor in Florida for Randy Harris’ vision to become a reality. He had lobbied for a ‘Choose Life’ license plate to become available to the public. Once a bill authorizing a plate had passed the state legislature, it was vetoed by then-Governor Lawton Chiles.

Nonetheless, the story of the vetoed ‘Choose Life’ license plate went viral. Even before another bill made it to Governor Jeb Bush’s desk, individuals from more than half of the US states had begun inquiring about having similar plates available in their states.

Florida’s ‘Choose Life’ plates became available for sale on August 11, 2000. Russ and Jill Amerling came onboard as National Publicity Coordinators for Choose Life, and the movement spread.

To date, 32 states offer a ‘Choose Life’ license plate. Over 1.2 million plates have been either sold or renewed in the past 20 years. Depending on the state, the cost for a plate is an additional $25 to $70 on top of the standard plate fee. By 2018, Choose Life had raised over $28 million solely through the sale of the specialty license plates.

A portion of the sale proceeds in each state is allocated for distribution to support “life-affirming Pregnancy Care Centers, Maternity Homes and non-profit adoption agencies” in that state.

A complete listing of states where the ‘Choose Life’ plates are available is posted on the Choose Life website, including two in which the plates have been approved but are not yet available. The interactive map contains links to each Choose Life state organization website where additional information and instructions are posted.

Karen LaBarr, president of Choose Life Georgia, told reporters.

“Our message is that every child—born or pre-born—deserves loving protection and support. We especially want to encourage expectant women to choose life for their babies by parenting them or by entrusting them to adoptive parents.

Our license plates carry a message of hope and love for women and their unborn babies.”

Click here to learn how you can order a ‘Choose Life’ plate in your state. If you choose life, take a stand. Get a plate.

To read more news on Abortion on Missions Box, go here.


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