Church-Planting Miracle in Mountains of La Laguna, Mexico

Now, because of one pastor’s obedience to share the Gospel and his vision for reaching children through Operation Christmas Child, the Good News has come to La Laguna and the community will never be the same.

LA LAGUNA – This little village in remote Mexico, home to the Nahuatl people, was once unreached with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. No one in the mountain community had ever heard the name of Jesus. No one had ever been told that God loves them or how they could have a personal relationship with the Living Savior. No one had a Bible. Now, because of one pastor’s obedience to share the Gospel and his vision for reaching children through Operation Christmas Child, the Good News has come to La Laguna and the community will never be the same.


“Brother Jose had a program on the radio that we would listen to. So one day I sent him a letter. When he received it, he read it aloud on the radio and said that he was coming to visit us. We received him, and he prayed with us, and we accepted the Word of God. We have joyfully followed the Lord for many years now.”

Jose Benitez, Pastor:

“I’ve been coming to the mountains for over 20 years. The Lord brought me here through my radio program. The road to La Laguna is very dangerous. When I was two years old, I was diagnosed with polio. I was not able to walk until one day someone gave me a scooter, and that is the way I get around.

It is a great challenge that I have, to take the Gospel to them. But for God,
nothing can stop us. The people here needed God. When Operation Christmas Child arrived, it was a great blessing because the children had never received a gift. They were so happy when they received the gift and the Word. They accepted Christ as their Savior. It was such a blessing for them.”


“I have three grandchildren, and they all participated in [The Greatest Journey]. When they finished the 12 lessons, we gave them a certificate, they graduated, and then we had a celebration. When the Gospel arrived, it changed every family.”

Jose Benitez, Pastor:

“The church dedication event was lovely. We never thought that we would have this blessing. I have been praying a long time for a church here.”


“Twenty-eight years ago, when I first heard the Word of God, I never thought that there would be a church here. Today, seeing this, makes me feel so happy.”

Jose Benitez, Pastor:

“It is a precious blessing for me, because this is what we hoped for— to have a place to prepare children, young people, and adults to take the Gospel to other places. God is doing big things in this village. This place will be a pioneer to take the Gospel even further.”

About Samaritan’s Purse

Samaritan’s Purse is meeting the physical needs of victims of war, famine, natural disaster, poverty and disease with the aim of demonstrating God’s love and sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. The aid and assistance are given without regard to the race, creed, gender, religion, or ethnicity of the beneficiaries.

About Operation Christmas Child

A small shoebox can have a big impact. What goes into the box is fun, but what comes out of it is eternal. Be a part of changing children’s lives all over the world in Jesus’ Name through the power of a simple gift with Operation Christmas Child.

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