Helping To Unify The Church in Brazil

Following devastating flooding in Brazil, Samaritan’s Purse brought the church and pastors together for a time of healing, renewal, and unity

RIO GRANDE DO SUL, BRAZIL — Following devastating flooding in Brazil, Samaritan’s Purse brought the church and pastors together for a time of healing, renewal, and unity. The result is tremendous spiritual growth and God’s love being shared throughout the region.

Jonathan StoneSamaritan’s Purse:

They received about a year’s worth of rain in just several days. As a result, 880,000 people were displaced from their homes.

Olavo Neto Pastor:

And this generated an enormous amount of chaos in people’s lives. And the church at that moment immediately took a stand.


They sent out boats. They sent out four-wheel drive vehicles. They started rescuing people from rooftops.


And so, we began to transform places of worship into food cellars and distribution centers, into places of shelter for entire families who were in need. The church became the center of the community.

Roberto MachadoPastor:

Samaritan’s Purse arrived at one of the most critical moments. Samaritan’s Purse was like a healing ointment for us. They were an agent of God in that very difficult moment. They brought tarps, water purifiers, hygiene kits, medicine, and generators because there was no electricity. And so, Samaritan’s Purse was a blessing from God.


In a matter of days, there were more than 40 missionaries from Samaritan’s Purse staying in Porto Alegre working, setting up camp, serving the church.

We started calling pastors together. The first time, it was like less than 100. The second meeting was almost 500 pastors.


The Lord is teaching us that in the time of struggle, our differences fade away. We focus more on the things that bring us together because we really need each other. This retreat is the result of that. This retreat has been a time of healing, a time of refreshment, a time for us to embrace on another, to mourn together, to remember what happened, to remember how the Lord organized us in such a perfect way.


We are more united than we have ever been before. We are seeing that because of the unity within the Church, the community is starting to look at the Church differently. If it weren’t for the flood, if it weren’t for the loss the flood brought, if it weren’t for the suffering the flood brought, all of this wouldn’t be happening.


What started off as a flood in Brazil has turned into one of the most beautiful times of spiritual growth that this area, this region of Brazil has ever experienced. What looked like death and destruction has unified a church, has proclaimed the gospel, and out of muck and dirt and filth has risen hope. The banner of Jesus is now flying high over this community. This is eternal hope, and it is beautiful.

Samaritan’s Purse is a nondenominational evangelical Christian organization providing spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world. Since 1970, Samaritan’s Purse has helped meet the needs of people who are victims of war, poverty, natural disasters, disease, and famine with the purpose of sharing God’s love through His Son, Jesus Christ. The organization serves the Church worldwide to promote the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Samaritan’s Purse International Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART) program is committed to meeting the critical needs of victims of war, poverty, famine, disease, and natural disaster. We stand ready to respond at a moment’s notice whenever and wherever disaster strikes. The DART specializes in providing water, food, shelter, and medical care while sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ.

CONTACT: Kaitlyn Lahm,

Read more news on Non Profit / Faith Based Organizations, and Humanitarian Services.

Source: Global News Alliance, Helping To Unify The Church in Brazil

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