Korea Prayer Rally Draws over a Million Christians

Korea Prayer Rally organizers challenged the church to carry out its social responsibility and to pray for spiritual revival.

KYIV, UKRAINE — Over a million Koreans gathered on Reformation Sunday to pray for ‘Healthy Families and a Holy Nation‘, and respond to the government’s approval of same-sex marriage. Korea Prayer Rally organizers challenged the church to carry out its social responsibility and to pray for spiritual revival. The following report was produced from live coverage by Korea’s CTS television network.

On Reformation Sunday over a million Christians from around South Korea gathered in Seoul for a historic prayer and worship gathering. The crowd overflowed the original venue, filling two miles of neighboring streets all the way to the National Assembly.

The rally began with the crowd shouting the theme: “Healthy Families, Holy Nation, Hallelujah!” And the leaders expressed their hope for revival in the Korean church.

Pastor Sung-jin Jung Co-Chair of the 10.27 Korean Church 2 Million United Worship:

“Through this worship, let’s save our youth and the next generation, so that the church may establish a miraculous Korea once again.”

Rally speakers called the church and the nation to biblical values, highlighting the happiness of family life based on biblical principles.

Gaseul Choi & Seong-hoon Kim FamilyYegwang Church:

“Marriage is a beautiful covenant given to us by God, and children are a gift that brings a joy that the world cannot provide.”

The event was organized as the church’s response to legalizing same-sex marriage, particularly a recent ruling by the Supreme Court that mandated health insurance coverage for same-sex couples.

Likewise, church leaders opposed any legislation that recognizes a third gender, beyond male and female. And they demanded the removal of educational content promoting homosexuality from primary and secondary schools promoting homosexuality.

The rally concluded with a ‘Declaration of 10 Million Christians,’ stating that lives granted by God must be respected and protected. The declaration opposed the legalization of same-sex marriage, and encouraged believers to protect youth and the next generation from drugs, addiction, and various forms of violence. And finally the church committed to take the lead in protecting families and creating a healthy society.

In addition to the estimated 1.1 million people attending the rally in person, the CTS Christian TV network claimed another 2 million people participated worldwide through their live broadcast and social media.

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