Drive-In Church Services Overcome Hurdles in Mexico

Mexico Drive-In Church Service Churches all over the world are finding creative ways to maintain social distancing and other restrictions

QUERETARO, Mexico — Churches all over the world are finding creative ways to maintain social distancing and other restrictions while continuing to hold regular worship services.

Such is the case of this church in Queretaro (que-RE-tah-roh), Mexico, which, despite many difficulties, was able to minister to the congregation in their cars. They parked at least six feet from each other and used their horns and lights to join in praising God.

In the Mexican city of Queretaro, the “ministries of reconciliation” church organized a worship service with a special feature: none of the attendees got out of their cars.

As lead pastor Abel Sánchez explained, the idea came from the congregation’s need to meet in person after more than four months of separation due to Coronavirus restrictions.

Abel Sánchez – Pastor, Ministries of Reconciliation:

There was a powerful joy in the Spirit that you could see in all the people. The people were happy because they were coming back together as a church, after four months, and no one was missing. No one from the church has died from this disease. We give glory to God for that.

To hold the Mega Auto Service, as it was called, they faced several obstacles. Although the health department gave permission for the event, the municipal authorities opposed it. And the weather threatened to rain on the gathering. But thanks to several miracles the worship service finally did take place.


Not only was there not a single drop of rain, but God held back the rain all day, and when the sun appeared on the horizon as it was setting, the clouds that had been so dark turned into a cloud of fire, and it reminded me of what happened to the people of Israel.

Over a thousand vehicles arrived for the meeting, but due to limited capacity, only the first 400 were allowed in.

Sánchez says that the presence of the lord fell on the place, blessing all who came. The pastor explained that they hope to expand the parking area to hold more cars and to have another similar service in a few weeks.

Read more news on Mexico, Christian Ministry and the COVID-19 Pandemic.

GFA’s Statement About Coronavirus

Source: Global News Alliance, Mexico Drive-In Church Service

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