Mozambique Pastor Opens Up Home to Feed Refugees

As attacks by Islamic militants in Northern Mozambique forced thousands to flee Pastor Romeno Carico opened up his home to refugee families

MOZAMBIQUE — When Reverend Romeno Carico saw the thousands of refugees fleeing to his community in Northern Mozambique to escape the conflict with Islamic militants he knew he had to do something to help. With what little resources he has he opened up his home to feed families traumatised after losing family members in the fighting. And through his ministry he is also feeding them with the bread of life through his church which meets in his home.

As attacks by Islamic militants in Northern Mozambique have forced hundreds of thousands of people to flee their villages Pastor Romeno Carico has opened up his home minister to many of these refugee families.

The U.N. refugee agency said at least 424,000 people had fled to neighbouring Niassa, Nampula and Pempa provinces, and warned that the crisis could spread beyond Mozambique’s borders.

With meagre resources each month he feeds 80 families with vital supplies of corn flour, salt and oil. He explains what motivated him to start this feeding program in Nampula.

“I opened this ministry in my house because I’m a pastor, so this community I have to minister the word of God to them. Some of them they lost their husbands, their sons. Some of them lost their wives. So their hearts are broken. So I have to help them with what I have. With the word of God I encourage them.”

Rev Carico who is also the manager of a Christian radio station has set up a church in his home with many of the refugees becoming regular attendees.

“A lot of sisters, widows and brother, so the testimonies are many. God is just giving the resolution of their situation.”

And as the lives of these displaced families are transformed Pastor Carico is hoping to expand his feeding ministry in the coming months to the increasing number of people traumatized by this conflict.

Read more news on Mozambique, Disaster Relief, National Missions, and the Refugee Crisis.

Source: Global News Alliance, Mozambique Pastor Opens Up Home to Feed Refugees

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