New Milestone Unlocked: Christian Lingua Reaches 50 Million Christians Worldwide Every Month Through Translation and Overdub Work

New Milestone Unlocked: Christian Lingua Reaches 50 Million Christians Worldwide Every Month Through Translation and Overdub Work

RUTHERFORDTON, NC — Christian Lingua has reached an extraordinary milestone, engaging over 50 million listeners, readers, and Bible students worldwide every month through its dedicated translation and overdub efforts. This remarkable achievement highlights the impact of CL’s work in making Christian content accessible across diverse languages and cultures.

Since its inception, Christian Lingua has translated and overdubbed an impressive 250,000 minutes of videos for Right Now Media into 16 languages, a leading provider of Christian video content. This extensive library allows users to access valuable teachings and resources that inspire spiritual growth. Additionally, CL has partnered with the Bible Project, Cru, Jesus Film, Rick Warren, and many others to translate and overdub hundreds of videos that delve into biblical themes and narratives, making these essential teachings available to a broader audience.

Michael Yurchuk, the CEO of Christian Lingua, recently stated: “CL has translated daily devotionals, and Bible reading plans for YouVersion into 60 languages. YouVersion has over 500 million users, and devotionals in different languages have been at the top of the reading list. This motivates us to keep on serving our partner best.”

This is a positive step, allowing users to engage with Scripture in a way that fosters deep understanding. Users can also apply these biblical principles to their daily lives.

Connecting 50 Million People Through Translation and Overdub Service
These efforts from Christian Lingua have resulted in more than 50 million people studying, watching, and growing in faith each month. This astonishing number highlights the organization’s commitment to serving the Christian community worldwide through high-quality translation services that connect with the user’s spiritual needs.

A testimonial from Jonathan Worthington, Ph.D., Curriculum Coordinator at Training Leaders International, further confirms CL’s commitment to the body of Christ: “Christian Lingua is a joy to work with. CL has translated our theological training material into 11 languages for nearly five years. They stick to the deadlines remarkably well. They consistently produce high-quality material, both from the theological point of view and conveying the original meaning.”

Christian Lingua’s growth allowed them to expand their reach and influence people worldwide while staying committed to empowering believers by making faith-based content accessible to them. Their ongoing efforts not only enrich spiritual journeys but also strengthen faith in the church community globally.

Read more news on Faith Based Organizations, Media Ministry, and the Bible on Missions Box.

CONTACT: Michael Yurchuk, 828-351-9559

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