WORCESTER, PA — Desperate for More: The North Georgia Revival documents the events and experiences of the congregation of Christ Fellowship Church in Dawson, Georgia. It began in 2018 when Pastor Todd Smith called his church to a 21-day fast. After a vision captured his heart, revival took hold.

The movement of the Holy Spirit has worked miracles throughout the revival, from healing critical illnesses to having blind eyes cleansed, deaf ears opened, families reunited, the unsaved saved, and those with mental illnesses made whole. Now 6+ years later the Sunday night revival services are still going strong with visitors for all over the US and world.
Be sure not to miss this inspirational documentary and the incredible work of the Holy Spirit as in the days of the early church.
“Working on this was awe-inspiring as we got to hear stories about God doing actual miracles. We heard stories of the blind that see, the deaf who can now hear, and testimony of those who had uncurable cancers, now completely gone. What an astounding God we have. I am forever changed.” — Chris Rogers, Producer, Desperate for More: North Georgia Revival.
Desperate for More: The North Georgia Revival documentary will be premiering to audiences worldwide on RedeemTV, September 19th, 2024. RedeemTV is a free donor-supported streaming service available in over 200 countries.
Watch Desperate for More Trailer
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Vision Video is a leading film and DVD distributor, committed to bringing impactful and compelling stories to audiences worldwide. With a focus on cinematic excellence, Vision Video partners with filmmakers to showcase thought-provoking narratives that inspire and captivate.
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CDR Communications is committed to supplying reliable and thoughtfully executed work that is produced on time and within approved budgets. CDR Communications is a company with a tradition of delivering on our promises.
CONTACT: Danielle Tumminelli, Vison Video, danielle@visionvideo.com
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