Gospel for Asia: Rescue Teams Continue Constant Relief Work as Rains Subside in Kerala, India

Kerala, India, experienced flooding due to monsoon rains that have not been seen or experienced since 1924.
Kerala, India, experienced flooding due to monsoon rains that have not been seen or experienced since 1924.

The heavy rains have mostly subsided in Kerala, India, and now, the red alert has been lifted in all 14 districts. Even though the rains have stopped in most parts of Kerala, ongoing rescue operations continue, saving those who are stranded. Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported relief teams have been hard at work, caring for the needy and suffering who have literally lost everything in this devastating monsoon.

Now, more than 600,000 people have taken shelter in relief camps throughout Kerala. Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported workers and relief teams have visited numerous camps, passing out food and water. They’ve also partnered with health authorities to provide medicines and epidemic-prevention aid.

Kerala’s resilient spirit has only been boosted due to the aid of many states in India, who have been sending relief supplies and food, often offering free transportation of these items.1 Staff at Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported Bridge of Hope centers are also handing out relief items.

After visiting a relief camp and handing out needed toiletry items, Dr. K. P. Yohannan, founder of Gospel for Asia (GFA), remarked, “Multiplied tens of thousands of people who lost their homes—and everything—have gone to higher ground. We came to do what we can to give them some help. And I want to thank all of you. You are so far away from us, but actually you are here, through your prayers and your kindness, and together we are doing it. And Jesus said, ‘When you do this, you do it for Me,’ and that’s the most important thing. Thank you again for being used by God to care for the poor and wipe their tears. It will take years before any of them have any normal life because they have lost everything.”

Please continue to pray and give of your resources to help those in desperate need today. This flooding has devasted crops and completely ruined homes. It will take the helping hands of many around the world for the people of Kerala to get their feet back on dry ground.

Give to the Disaster Relief Fund

Help Disaster Relief teams serve survivors of flooding and other disasters.
Donations to support GFA’s disaster relief work in Kerala can be made at www.gfa.org/flood.

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