Three Teenage Girls Brutally Raped, Burned

A lot of Indians are infuriated by the rapes that have happened lately. Source: Flickr

Imagine this: You have a teenage daughter who is brutally raped by a young man. After she tells you what happens, he kills her.

A lot of Indians are infuriated by the rapes that have happened lately. Source: Flickr

Between May 5 to May 13, three Indian girls were raped and burned alive.

The first victim was kidnapped by a group of men in Jharkhand while her parents were at a wedding. Her parents reported what happened to the village council, who made the accused do 100 sit-ups and pay a fine of $700 to the family. In retribution, the accused beat her family and burned the girl to death.

Earlier, in Jharkhand, a 17-year-old girl was raped after rejecting a proposal. The man was so angry that he raped and burned her alive. She now is in critical condition and is now in a hospital, The Washington Post explains.

One victim in Madya Pradesh, was raped, after she threatened to report it to her parents, her rapist set her on fire.

A field correspondent with BBC, Soutik Biswas, explained why there are no signs of the rape culture ending in India soon.

“Rape is increasingly used as an instrument to assert power and intimidate the powerless in India,” he wrote.

Yet in recent years, starting with a rape of a student in Dehli on a bus in 2012, both men and women have increasingly become outraged at the number of violence against women throughout India.

“Sexual violence has dominated headlines in India in recent months” The Washington Post explains, “and led to a national moment of reckoning reminiscent of the protests that rocked the country after a student was gang-raped on a Delhi bus in 2012.”

In April, the death penalty in India was passed for those who rape children under the age of 12 after outrage over brutal attacks on children, The Independent, a British online newspaper, explains.

Gospel for Asia (GFA)-supported women missionaries are sharing God’s love with women who are hurting, including some who have faced sexual abuse or violence.

Pray for the end of rape throughout Asia.

Pray for more workers to share God’s love with hurting women.

Pray many women come to know the Lord and find hope.

BBC: India rape: Third teenager attacked and burnt in a year

The Washington Post: 3 girls, 1 week: Teens raped, set on fire in India

Independent: India rape crisis: Third teenage girl sexually assaulted and burned alive in a week

Veil of Tears: The Story

MissionsBox: Ending Violence Against Women Using Education & Income Generation to Overcome Discrimination

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