When the Microphones Stopped Working, Deaf Ears Began to Hear: KJMC Summer Prayer Retreat 2024

Summer KJMC Prayer Retreat. Lots of fervent prayers and praise, Jewish worship, and an incredible atmosphere of God’s presence.

KYIV, UKRAINE — Summer KJMC Prayer Retreat. Lots of fervent prayers and praise, Jewish worship, inspirational messages, discussions of current topics, and an incredible atmosphere of God’s presence.

God even used the constant blackouts and unusual heat for His glory. Because when the microphones stopped working, deaf ears began to hear.

PetraRetreat Participant:

God is here I mean God is everywhere but I believe there is a time and a place where God is moving in a very special way.

This is the prayer Retreat of the Kiev Jewish Messianic Congregation. Lots of fervent prayers and devotion. Jewish worship inspirational messages discussions about hot topics all in the incredible atmosphere of God’s presence. Even regular power outages and an unusual heat wave couldn’t stand up against all the Lord was doing.

OlenaRetreat Participant from LVIV:

I just know that it’s important to stand firm till the end and then you’ll get the answer to the question you came here to find. I’ve been coming for many years and I’ve often gotten all the answers I’ve been seeking. A year ago I was sick with cancer fourth stage cancer as a matter of fact but I was healed I’ve been living cancer-free for a year now but God even used the constant power ages for his glory. When the microphone stopped working deaf ears began to hear.


I couldn’t hear in my right ear for a very long time and you know when I close my left ear I could immediately hear. Praise the Lord.

Before the retreat I fell off my bike I injured my arm and bruised it a little bit I had pain in my arm now. After prayer the pain is gone. Praise the Lord for 5 years.

I had pain in my left shoulder when you mentioned healing the pain immediately went away I thought I imagined that I started moving it and it doesn’t hurt

By the way this time, the retreat was held in the theme restoration of everything.

Andrii LugovskyiKJMC Elder:

Before the retreat God revealed to us the primary Direction he would move in for some it was physical renewal. For others it was spiritual and for some it was emotional some people received Liberation from fears confusion and lingering anxiety and of course renewal in prayer was also taking place.

This year more than 26,000 people from 45 countries took part in online and offline Retreat sessions and every year the number of participants only increases more and more people understand and see the importance of prayer points that are focused on at the retreat special emphasis is given to the prayers for Israel and Ukraine.

Harry TabbakhCaptain, U.S. Navy, Retired:

You have fun here. It reminded me of a military unit preparing for battle. It’s what we call inspiration for battle. Wonderful Impressions there are a lot of people smiling, happily praying for Israel, for Ukraine, for the soldiers both Israeli and Ukrainian. As I was talking to your Rabbi Boris I realized that there also is an active battle against anti-Semitism going on not only in Ukraine but also globally.

You can find recordings of the retreat sessions on the KJMC resources watch and experience the movement of God’s Holy Spirit.

About KJMC

Kiev Jewish Messianic Congregation (KJMC) was born shortly after first Festival of Jewish Music and Dance, organized by the mission “Hear, O Israel!” (Jonathan Bernis), which took place in Ukraine in 1994. Boris Grisenko has been the rabbi (pastor) of KJMC from the very beginning. Rabbi Boris was also the Vice Chairman of the Ukrainian Interchurch Council and holds an Honorary Doctorate in Theology from CLST (Christian Life School of Theology). KJMC has grown over the years and today numbers more than 2,000 people. The congregation is comprised of Jews and non-Jews, all of whom have accepted the Lord Yeshua ha’Mashiach (Jesus Christ).

The KJMC vision is focused largely on the revival of the Jewish people, including:

  • So that every Jew would know his Messiah
  • The unity in the Body of the Messiah to be restored
  • To break free of non-Biblical extremes of Judaism and Christianity
  • To bring about freedom from anti_semitism, indifference, and other non-Biblical attitudes as well as freedom from Humanism and occult spirituality

Read more news on Faith Based Organizations and Ukraine on Missions Box.

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