Troubled teen-turned-medical missionary aims to inspire others to trust God in new book chronicling her adventures in faith COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo.—A reformed rebel with a taste for adventure is looking to inspire others to step out and make a difference in the world. Sharing some hair-raising stories from more than 35 years’ missionary service in… Continue reading One-Time Rebel Invites Others to Follow in Her Risk-Taking Footsteps in Taking Gospel to Unreached
Results for "Radio Broadcasting Ministry"
Ecuadorian Greenhouse Project Provides a Sweet Way of Sharing the Gospel
With an evangelistic message embedded, a cacao tree-raising initiative offers a welcome economic boost to rural communities COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo.—Missionaries in South America have come up with a novel way of encouraging people to respond to the Bible’s invitation to “taste and see that the Lord is good.” They have started a project growing cacao trees—the… Continue reading Ecuadorian Greenhouse Project Provides a Sweet Way of Sharing the Gospel
Billy Kim & Luis Palau Inducted into NRB Hall of Fame
NASHVILLE – Dr. Billy Kim and evangelist Luis Palau were honored at the opening of the National Religious Broadcasters annual convention in Nashville. The two renowned and highly-respected preachers were co-inductees into the NRB Hall of Fame. The two join a list of a veritable “Who’s Who” in Christian broadcasting that includes Ray Ortmund, Chuck… Continue reading Billy Kim & Luis Palau Inducted into NRB Hall of Fame
TWR Launches Largest AM Transmitter in Western Hemisphere
BONAIRE –Trans World Radio (TWR), will make history today, January 30, 2018, when it begins broadcasting from its new tower on the island nation of Bonaire in the southern Caribbean at 4:30 pm EST. TWR has been broadcasting Christian programming from Bonaire since 1964. That was just 10 years after the radio ministry began transmitting… Continue reading TWR Launches Largest AM Transmitter in Western Hemisphere
K. P. Yohannan
Dr. KP Yohannan has been crisscrossing the globe for the past 40 years, challenging the Body of Christ to discipleship. His call to a radical lifestyle—with an all-out commitment to Jesus—has left its impact on nearly every continent. To the Church caught up by the tidal waves of compromise and self-preservation, Yohannan’s life message is… Continue reading K. P. Yohannan