WILLS POINT, TX — Mission agency GFA World (Gospel for Asia) is helping to provide vital aid to traumatized survivors of the massive earthquake and aftershocks in Turkey, as the number of deaths now stands at more than 47,000. “Right now, Gospel for Asia (GFA World) is working with our partners to bring relief to the… Continue reading Gospel for Asia (GFA World) Aids ‘Traumatized’ Turkey Quake Survivors
Results for "KP Yohannan"
Gospel for Asia: Child Sponsorship — Does it Lift the Young Out of Poverty?
WILLS POINT, TX – GFA World (Gospel for Asia) founded by K.P. Yohannan, which inspired numerous charities like GFA World Canada, to assist the poor and deprived worldwide, issued this Special Report on Child Sponsorship — Does it Lift the Young Out of Poverty? In existence for many years, child sponsorship has been adapted by… Continue reading Gospel for Asia: Child Sponsorship — Does it Lift the Young Out of Poverty?
We’re Biting Back at ‘Earth’s Deadliest Creature’ Reports Gospel for Asia
WILLS POINT, TX – It’s the world’s deadliest creature — and it’s probably hovering near your home. The tiny mosquito kills more people around the world every year than any other animal, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC). “It’s so deadly, it even has a special day named after it — World… Continue reading We’re Biting Back at ‘Earth’s Deadliest Creature’ Reports Gospel for Asia
GFA World Invites Young Generation to Join ‘Greatest Adventure’
WILLS POINT, TX — Young people need to experience God in a way that’s worth “giving their life to” if they’re to stop leaving America’s churches in droves, a group of global mission leaders says. Nearly two-thirds of 18–29-year-olds in the U.S. who grew up going to church have dropped out, saying they’re bored and… Continue reading GFA World Invites Young Generation to Join ‘Greatest Adventure’
GFA World Event Invites Gen Z, Millennials to ‘Give Up Gadgets, Rediscover God’
WILLS POINT, TX – GFA World (Gospel for Asia) — Under 30s are being invited to “detox from their phones and gadgets” in order to “experience God in solitude and silence” and discover his purpose for their lives. Popular speaker Francis Chan and mission pioneers K.P. Yohannan (Metropolitan Yohan) and George Verwer will headline GFA… Continue reading GFA World Event Invites Gen Z, Millennials to ‘Give Up Gadgets, Rediscover God’
Malaria – It’s Time to Buzz Off! New Vaccine Heralds a Game-Changing Development
WILLS POINT, TX – GFA World (Gospel for Asia) founded by K.P. Yohannan, whose heart to love and help the poor has inspired numerous charities like GFA World Canada, to serve the deprived and downcast worldwide, issued this Special Report on Malaria – new vaccine heralds a game-changing development. It’s the “buzz” millions around the… Continue reading Malaria – It’s Time to Buzz Off! New Vaccine Heralds a Game-Changing Development
GFA World Staff Run for COVID-19 Relief
STONEY CREEK, ON — Gospel for Asia Canada (GFA World) founded by K.P. Yohannan shares how the COVID-19 pandemic is bringing death and destruction to millions around the globe. For many in Asia, the affect of the virus is felt in more ways than one as they struggle to make ends meet during the lockdown.… Continue reading GFA World Staff Run for COVID-19 Relief
Girls Exposed to ‘Shadow Pandemic’ of Sexual Abuse, GFA World Says
WILLS POINT, TX – GFA World (Gospel for Asia) founded by K.P. Yohannan, which inspired numerous charities like GFA World Canada, shares how COVID-19 has triggered a “shadow pandemic” of sexual abuse, violence and exploitation against girls, a shocking new report reveals on International Day of the Girl Child, Oct. 11. More than ever, girls… Continue reading Girls Exposed to ‘Shadow Pandemic’ of Sexual Abuse, GFA World Says
Gospel for Asia Announces its First-Ever Mission in Rwanda, Africa
WILLS POINT, TX – GFA World founded by K.P. Yohannan, whose heart to love and help the poor has inspired numerous charities like GFA World Canada, to serve the deprived and downcast worldwide, one of the largest mission agencies in the world, is launching compassion projects in Africa (http://www.gfa.org/press/intoAfrica) for the first time — a… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Announces its First-Ever Mission in Rwanda, Africa
Gospel for Asia with Chick-fil-A & Brookshire’s Bring Christmas Relief to Hunger-Hit Texans
WILLS POINT, TX — Chick-fil-A and Brookshire’s are joining a leading aid agency to deliver Christmas relief to Texas families hit hard by the pandemic. As America experiences another spike in coronavirus cases, one in four children aren’t getting enough food and face a bleak Christmas, says Wills Point-based humanitarian agency Gospel for Asia (GFA World… Continue reading Gospel for Asia with Chick-fil-A & Brookshire’s Bring Christmas Relief to Hunger-Hit Texans
Gospel for Asia Asks for Prayer in November
WILLS POINT, TX –Gospel for Asia (GFA World) founded by K.P. Yohannan, which inspired numerous charities like Gospel for Asia Canada, is asking for our prayers in the month of November as many are struggling and in desperate need of protection from the icy blast of winter. The Reason for Prayer During this month of November, Dr.… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Asks for Prayer in November
Gospel for Asia on World Mosquito Day: How to Avoid Deadly Bites
WILLS POINT, TX — Gospel for Asia (GFA World and affiliates like Gospel for Asia Canada) founded by Dr. K.P. Yohannan – Discussing World Mosquito Day and how GFA workers are using the day to bring hope into the lives of their neighbors. World Mosquito Day, observed on August 20, marks the date in 1897… Continue reading Gospel for Asia on World Mosquito Day: How to Avoid Deadly Bites
Gospel for Asia Provides Solution When Mandatory Masks Highlight Inequality for Asia’s Poor
WILLS POINT, TX — Gospel for Asia (GFA World and affiliates like Gospel for Asia Canada) founded by Dr. K.P. Yohannan – Discussing how many NGO and charity organizations, such as Gospel for Asia , have sought to fill the gap between resources and needy communities who don’t have access to them as mandatory masks… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Provides Solution When Mandatory Masks Highlight Inequality for Asia’s Poor
How COVID-19 Affects Asia and Gospel for Asia Workers
INDIA — Gospel for Asia (GFA World and affiliates like Gospel for Asia Canada) founded by Dr. K.P. Yohannan – Discussing how COVID-19 is seriously affecting those in Asia and hoe Gospel for Asia workers are combating this in a two-tiered approach. COVID-19 poses a dual threat to the lives and livelihood of Asia’s citizens.… Continue reading How COVID-19 Affects Asia and Gospel for Asia Workers
Gospel for Asia Brings Love to“The Least of These” During the Pandemic
INDIA — Gospel for Asia (GFA World and affiliates like Gospel for Asia Canada) founded by Dr. K.P. Yohannan – Discussing those suffering unseen in the pandemic and how GFA workers are bringing them relief and aid and letting them know that they are seen and cared for in the midst of it all. As… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Brings Love to“The Least of These” During the Pandemic
Gospel for Asia Gives Food to Migrant Workers Affected by Pandemic
INDIA — Gospel for Asia (GFA World and affiliates like Gospel for Asia Canada) founded by Dr. K.P. Yohannan – Discussing how GFA seeks to bring help to the thousands of migrant workers who have been hit hard by the coronavirus. As the number of coronavirus cases in the Asian subcontinent increases, Gospel for Asia… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Gives Food to Migrant Workers Affected by Pandemic
Gospel for Asia Extends ‘Boxes of Hope’ COVID-19 Food Relief
WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA World and affiliates like Gospel for Asia Canada) founded by Dr. K.P. Yohannan – Discussing the upcoming food distribution facilitated by Gospel for Asia and Body of Life to those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Gospel for Asia (GFA World) and community volunteers are gearing up to… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Extends ‘Boxes of Hope’ COVID-19 Food Relief
COVID-19 Redefines Gospel for Asia’s Bridge of Hope Service in Community
INDIA — Gospel for Asia (GFA World and affiliates like Gospel for Asia Canada) founded by Dr. K.P. Yohannan – Discussing how amid COVID-19 the staff at GFA’s Bridge of Hope centers work hard to provide the necessary food and sanitation items to neighbors in need. COVID-19 has upended the lives of many in Asia,… Continue reading COVID-19 Redefines Gospel for Asia’s Bridge of Hope Service in Community
Gospel for Asia Helping Those on the Outskirts
ODISHA, INDIA — Gospel for Asia (GFA World and affiliates like Gospel for Asia Canada) founded by Dr. K.P. Yohannan – Discussing Gospel for Asia workers who are reaching out to those on the outskirts of society who are struggling for food and daily needs due to the pandemic. While government and charitable organizations have… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Helping Those on the Outskirts
Gospel for Asia Shares on the Miracle at the Myanmar Mine Mudslide
HPAKANT, KACHIN PROVINCE – Gospel for Asia (GFA World and affiliates like Gospel for Asia Canada) founded by Dr. K.P. Yohannan – Discussing the miracle that happened amidst the tragedy of the Myanmar mudslide. As July 2020 comes to a close, most readers will not have heard or read about the massive mudslide that killed… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Shares on the Miracle at the Myanmar Mine Mudslide
Gospel for Asia Pastor Gripped by News Accounts, Sets Out to Help
GOA, INDIA — Gospel for Asia (GFA World and affiliates like Gospel for Asia Canada) founded by Dr. K.P. Yohannan – Discussing the Gospel for Asia pastor Toshan and his wife who heard of the struggles people were facing due to the coronavirus lockdowns and how they decided to help. Gospel for Asia (GFA) pastor… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Pastor Gripped by News Accounts, Sets Out to Help
Gospel for Asia Supplies 37 Million with Safe Water in ‘Thirstiest’ Continent
WILLS POINT, TX — A leading mission agency today announced it has provided safe drinking water for a staggering 37.5 million people in South Asia, the world’s “thirstiest” continent. The number of people helped by Texas-based Gospel for Asia (GFA World) is roughly equivalent to the entire population of Canada. GFA World reported millions of… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Supplies 37 Million with Safe Water in ‘Thirstiest’ Continent
He’s Alive! Myanmar Pastor Presumed Dead Returns Home to Family
WILLS POINT, TX – A national pastor in Myanmar supported by Gospel for Asia (GFA World and affiliates like Gospel for Asia Canada) was forcibly removed at gunpoint from his home by five men on January 19, 2019. The men are believed to have been members of a rebel army that has been seeking control… Continue reading He’s Alive! Myanmar Pastor Presumed Dead Returns Home to Family
Prayers for Hope, Healing, & Heroes at America’s Hospitals
CONWAY, SC – Hospitals around America are literally being surrounded by Christians praying for the heroic medical staffs, for the healing of patients, and for both groups to find strength and hope in Jesus. On Friday evening, April 3, just one block away from this writer’s home, cars encircled the Conway Medical Center (CMC) as… Continue reading Prayers for Hope, Healing, & Heroes at America’s Hospitals