We found 156 results for your search.

Henry Martyn

Henry Martyn was a missionary to both India and Arabia between 1806-1812. Through his sharing of the Good News, many people were challenged in their thinking of Jesus. Early Life Henry Martyn was born on February 18, 1781 in Cornwell England. Henry was picked on at school and the teachers had to assign another student… Continue reading Henry Martyn

What Was the missions world like the last time the Cubs Won the World Series?

The year is 1908. The cubs are playing in the World Series, and they win the final game, making them the World Series champions. In the meantime, God is working through missionaries around the world to spread the Good News. After 108 years the Chicago Cubs have finally won, this time against the Cleveland Indians.… Continue reading What Was the missions world like the last time the Cubs Won the World Series?

Gladys Alyward

Introduction Gladys Alyward, standing at 4’10” was a small woman who did extraordinary things with God’s strength. Aylward was a determined woman. The China Inland Missions thought she was too old and would be unable to learn Chinese, but, Alyward would be a missionary to China no matter what anyone else said. No one would… Continue reading Gladys Alyward

Mary Slessor

“O God! Old and feeble and unworthy as I am, help me to win them.” – Mary Slessor Early Life Mary Slessor was born in Scotland in 1848. Her mother was a Christian. She knew God worked through prayer, so she spent hours praying. Mary’s mother was praying her son, Robert would become a missionary.… Continue reading Mary Slessor

David Livingstone

Early Life Livingstone was born in a small town in Scotland on March 19, 1813. As a child in school, he had a great interest in science, which eventually led him to being a medical doctor. In 1832, Livingstone read a book about the need for medical doctors in China, and from this day on,… Continue reading David Livingstone

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