KANNAPOLIS, NC — Dr. Tim Hill announced that the Church of God will host America’s Prayer Meeting, a virtual national prayer meeting being promoted by the National Prayer Committee, the sponsoring group for the National Day of Prayer.
The program for the event is still in the formative stages. “We want to be very sensitive to the Holy Spirit,” noted P. Douglas Small, an event organizer and Church of God prayer leader, “so we will provide programming that will feature leading prayer advocates from across the nation.”
One feature will be a collage of video vignettes that will focus on spiritual awakenings in our national past. The vignettes will provide a virtual trip around the world, looking at samples of extraordinary city and region-wide revivals from the past few decades, mixed with prayers that such stirrings will grip America’s cities.
Many national prayer leaders will be onsite. Others will join the event through a remote-live feed. And a collage of prerecorded videos will be used throughout the day to inspire prayer. At times, prayer groups will gather over a 3-dimensional map of the nation to pray. A simultaneous live call-in prayer meeting will also occur, allowing intercessors from across the nation to join a prayer call on behalf of revival and awakening. National prayer leaders and pastors are being asked to host segments of the live, simultaneous call-in prayer experience.
“We hope,” Small noted, “that thousands of congregations will meet for prayer on Monday and Tuesday, March 15-16, and the nation will join the two-day prayer event on-line and host watch parties.”
The website is www.americapray.net.
CONTACT: P. Douglas Small, 704-996-5091
Read more news on Prayer on Missions Box.
Source: Christian Newswire, America’s Prayer Meeting — March 15-16, 2021