Christians Prepare Worldwide for Outreach

Next month is GO Month with the entire month devoted to evangelistic outreach worldwide in 150 nations & pray for the GO Decade.
Photo by Global Outreach Day, Facebook

BERLIN, GERMANY — If you have never shared your faith, you are not alone. Ninety-five percent of Christians have never shared their faith according to Less than two percent are involved in a ministry of evangelism. And 71 percent don’t give towards the Great Commission. Next month is GO Month with the entire month devoted to evangelistic outreach worldwide in 150 nations. GO Day is on May 29th where Christians are encouraged to share their faith with at least one person.

Photo by Global Outreach Day, Facebook

The need for evangelism is urgent since this is the number one way someone becomes a Christian. GO Movement’s goal is to mobilize every Christian on the planet to reach one person. Every Christian sharing their faith with one person worldwide would result in the entire world being reached within a decade!

GO Movement is hosting “GO Train,” a virtual training session worldwide on April 24th at 7:30 PM in your time zone to equip Christians for GO Month. You will be trained to share your faith, especially in these desperate times of chaos from the coronavirus pandemic where people are looking for hope. You have a story of hope to tell someone else who needs to hear it!

John Sorensen of Evangelism Explosion will train you on how to tell your story. GO Movement’s Founder, Werner Nachtigal, will impart faith to you with his testimonies of sharing the Gospel. Rick Warren, with Finishing the Task and founder of one of the largest churches in America, Saddleback Church, will equip you on how to share hope with others. Mark Warder from The Pulse, will explain how the coronavirus pandemic is opening up unprecedented opportunities to share the Gospel.

Recently, children shared the Gospel in the Dominican Republic. They passed out tracts and prayed for people. Reaching children and youth is a priority for the GO Movement since 85% of Christians made a decision to follow Christ between the age of 4 to 14 according to the International Bible Society. The GO Movement has a task force devoted to equipping children and youth to share their faith.

A girl was raised from the dead during an outreach in the rainforest in Madagascar. A witch doctor gave his life to the Lord in Burundi and 54 people were saved. In an area that’s challenging for Christians, over 3,000 people gave their lives to the Lord in South Sudan. God is on the move within the nations! In Matthew 9:37, Jesus said, “the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” The GO Movement is an answer to Jesus’ prayer with a wide network of key partners that have a heart for evangelism!

Join the GO Movement by registering for GO Train. When you watch the GO Train session, you’ll receive a FREE 3 Steps Training. Register for GO Train, at The session will be broadcast over GODTV and Global Outreach Day’s YouTube channel at

CONTACT: Leilani Haywood, 816-332-0720,

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Sources: Christian News Wire, Christians Prepare Worldwide for Outreach

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