Father and Son Work Together to Send Love in a Box to Thousands

A father and son based in North Wales are working together to make sure thousands of vulnerable children won’t be forgotten this Christmas.

NORTH WALES — A father and son based in North Wales in the UK are working together to make sure thousands of vulnerable children won’t be forgotten this Christmas when they receive gift-filled shoeboxes.

Dave and Simon Cooke who both run the charity Teams4U are busy preparing to send what they describe as ‘love in a box’ to children around the world facing poverty and conflict.

GNA reporter Peter Wooding visited their headquarters in North Wales to find out more about the impact of this work.

Each Christmas thousands of vulnerable children around the world facing poverty and conflict receive gift filled shoeboxes thanks to a charity based in North Wales in the UK.

Working together to ensure many more children receive what they describe as Love in A Box are father and son Dave and Simon Cooke who work together to run the charity Teams4U.

Dave Cooke who been part of this work for more than 30 years explains how he has clearly seen countless miracles of God including one time when he was in Georgia.

Dave CookeTeams4U Founder:

The first little lad I came to he’d picked a landmine up and he was badly disfigured with the use of his hands. And he opened he opened his box and there was a magic marker in there. He could actually write with a magic marker and it was perfect for him. And then the next little girl she opened her box and she looked up at me and she said ‘how did you know I needed a pair of gloves for my sister as well.’ There were two pairs of gloves.

And so the miracles in little boxes, God listens to kids not just adults. Meanwhile his son Simon Cooke who is project manager at Teams4 U shares how God used a challenging moment in Ukraine recently to allow them to distribute shoeboxes in a bomb shelter.

Simon CookeTeams4U Project Manager:

There could be missiles landing on their school above us, but knowing it was such a peaceful nice situation to see the joy on the kids faces when they’re getting shoeboxes despite what’s happening above them.

And Teams4U is aiming to distribute more than 64,000 shoeboxes this Christmas into countries including Romania, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova and Georgia.

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