LANCASTER, PA — NationsWorship, a live worship experience with participants from Africa, Asia, and the Americas, will be held at Dove Westgate church in Ephrata, Pennsylvania, as well as live streamed across the world on November 19, 2021. Global Disciples, with partners in 62 countries, will host the worship event. Those interested in joining the celebration should register at globaldisciples/nationsworship.
Tim Bentch, Global Worship Specialist with Global Disciples, says the theme of the event is From the Ends of the Earth, We Hear Singing:
“While the world is experiencing a relentless pandemic, political division, war and devastation, the songs of people in desperate circumstances still ring true giving praise to our God. With NationsWorship, we can take our focus off our problems that distract and divide us and, instead, worship Jesus in unity with brothers and sisters across the world. With our songs, we say, nothing will divide us, and nothing can separate us from the love of Christ.”
NationsWorship will include:
- The live worship experience at 7:30pm ET, 4:30 pm PDT, Dove Westgate Church, 1755 W. Main St, Ephrata, PA 17522
- Live Streaming at 7:30 p.m. ET and 4:30 p.m. PDT
- Repeat broadcasts at 10:30 p.m. ET and 7:30 p.m. PDT
- On demand availability through January 15, 2022
In addition, churches can host a live NationsWorship event. Watch parties are also encouraged. Registration is required for both the in-person and online events. For more information, go to globaldisciples/nationsworship.
Global Disciples
Global Disciples assists in the development of locally-sustainable trainings in discipleship-mission, small business and leadership, which result in reproducing fellowships of believers. We equip, connect and facilitate cooperation in the global Body of Christ among clusters of churches in 62 nations focused on reaching those least-reached with the Gospel. We believe that local expressions of the Body of Christ in close proximity to least-reached people are best able to reach them so that every person has an opportunity to choose and follow Jesus Christ. For more information, go to
CONTACT: Sherry Lee, Vice President of Marketing & Communications, 404-903-0380,
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Source: Christian News Wire, Global Disciples Hosts Live Nations Worship 2022 Event