Hezbollah ‘Could Wipe Out Israel’s Electric Power Grid,’ U.S. Aid Agency Responds with Emergency Generators

Interview Opportunity: Hezbollah 'Could Wipe Out Israel's Electric Power Grid,' U.S. Aid Agency Responds with Emergency Generators
Joseph Project International -- the largest importer of humanitarian aid into Israel -- responded within hours to help traumatized children in the Druze community of Majdal Shams in the aftermath of the horrific Hezbollah rocket attack on July 27 that killed 12 children. Members of the community erected a homemade memorial to pay tribute to the young victims. Photo by Messianic Jewish Alliance of America

SPRINGFIELD, PA — A full-blown war is looming between Israel and the Iran-backed Hezbollah terror group based in Lebanon — and Israel fears a potentially devastating “electromagnetic pulse” (EMP) attack on its crucial electric power grid.

Joseph Project International — the largest importer of humanitarian aid into Israel — responded within hours to help traumatized children in the Druze community of Majdal Shams in the aftermath of the horrific Hezbollah rocket attack on July 27 that killed 12 children. Members of the community erected a homemade memorial to pay tribute to the young victims. Photo by Messianic Jewish Alliance of America

An all-out attack on Israel’s power grid will cause rolling blackouts and could even cripple entire towns and cities in just 72 hours. https://www.timesofisrael.com/as-war-with-hezbollah-looms-concerns-over-vulnerability-of-power-grid-generate-unease/

U.S.-based humanitarian aid agency Joseph Project International (JPI, www.josephproject.org) is gearing up now to supply emergency generators where they’re most needed to keep essential services operating.

“Joseph Project International has the infrastructure already in place in Israel, including our 16,000 square foot warehouse,” said the organization’s founder Joel Chernoff. “We also act as a vital logistical hub for other aid organizations.”

JPI Rushes Aid to Traumatized Community After 12 Children Die

Joseph Project International — the largest importer of humanitarian aid into Israel — responded within hours to help traumatized children in the Druze community of Majdal Shams in the aftermath of the horrific Hezbollah rocket attack on July 27 that killed 12 children.

JPI supplied art therapy kits for professional counselors working with children and families at the scene of the national tragedy. https://www.timesofisrael.com/in-majdal-shams-neighbors-embrace-druze-mourning-children-killed-in-rocket-attack/

“Hezbollah has caused so much suffering in the north of Israel,” said Joseph Project International’s Suzie Salway, based near Jerusalem. “Homes and villages have been burned to the ground, with only charred remains of what was beautiful vineyard-growing country. It’s like California’s Napa Valley has been set on fire.”

About Joseph Project International

Headquartered in the U.S., Joseph Project International is a giant relief effort that distributes international aid — food, clothing, blankets, medical supplies and more — directly to the neediest Israeli families, as well as orphanages, hospitals and rehab centers across Israel, helping both Jews and Arabs. The Joseph Project was founded by the Messianic Jewish Alliance of America (MJAA, www.mjaa.org).

MEDIA INTERVIEWS: To arrange a video or phone interview with the Joseph Project International’s executive director Joel Chernoff in the U.S. or Suzie Salway in Israel, contact: Gregg Wooding, 972-567-7660, gwooding@inchristcommunications.com

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