Nagorno Karabakh Refugees Find New Hope in Christ

Mission Eurasia is rushing food, clothing & Bibles to the thousands of refugees pouring into Armenia & Azerbaijan who fled Nagorno Karabakh

ARMENIA — On Nov 10th a Russia-brokered peace deal was agreed between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the disputed Nagorno Karabakh. It brought to an end six weeks of war in which thousands of people were killed and displaced.

As the refugee crisis is growing with reportedly more than 150,000 people urgently needing help Mission Eurasia is responding with 10,000 food packages – enough to feed a desperate family of five for a week – clothing, counseling, 100,000 copies of their Good News Prayer Guide (Molitvoslov), and 10,000 copies of the Gospel of John and New Testament.

In the midst of this crisis many of these displaced families are finding true hope in Christ through the ministry of Mission Eurasia’s church partners.

Christian charity Mission Eurasia is rushing vital food packages, warm clothing and New Testaments to the thousands of refugees pouring into Armenia and Azerbaijan who have fled the conflict in Nagorno Karabakh.

The charity’s Michael Cherenkov who just returned from Armenia says he saw a tremendous openness to the Gospel among the many displaced families who are being ministered to through their church partners.

“People reacted so positively. They asked us to pray for them and many of them accepted Christ. So I witnessed amazing stories of kind of spiritual revival in this nominally cultural Christian country.”

One of those working with the charity is Pastor Vazgen who leads a church in Abovyan in Armenia.

“We helped more than 2,000 young mothers and children to get food and shelter and now many people are getting ready for water baptisms. They surrendered their lives to Christ. Their children sing Christian songs with us. Every evening we have Bible studies in our church building. They come they take part, they pray with us.”

Cherenkov concluded by calling on Christians around the world to stand with the people of this troubled region that they will encounter the true peace of God.

“At least 150,000 people in desperate need because winter is coming and they rely on our help, so let’s pray, let’s help, let’s stand together.”

About Mission Eurasia

Mission Eurasia’s mission is to train, equip, and mobilize Christian leadership throughout Eurasia, who will engage in indigenous evangelism, church-planting, holistic ministries, and church growth by developing creative and strategic ministries and by facilitating partnerships between nationals and Western Christians.

Their vision is to evangelize, train, equip, and mobilize the Next Generation in the countries of Eurasia and Israel to lead the church in transforming their nations for Christ.

Read more news on Humanitarian Services, Disaster Relief, and the Refugee Crisis.


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