WILLS POINT, TX — Gospel for Asia (GFA World) founded by K.P. Yohannan, whose heart to love and help the poor has inspired numerous charities like Gospel for Asia Canada, to serve the deprived and downcast worldwide — released a new special report amid new COVID social restrictions in force in many countries, reveals the… Continue reading COVID Stay-at-Home ‘Doesn’t Compare to Leprosy Isolation’ Says Gospel for Asia
Results for "Jesus Wells"
The Gospel for Asia ‘Forgotten Christmas’ Showers Life-Changing Gifts On World’s Poor
WILLS POINT, TX – With Christmas spending in the U.S. on target to hit a trillion dollars this year, a leading humanitarian agency is urging Americans not to forget the world’s poor. “For hundreds of millions of children across Asia, Christmas is a time when they’re forgotten,” said K.P. Yohannan, founder of Gospel for Asia… Continue reading The Gospel for Asia ‘Forgotten Christmas’ Showers Life-Changing Gifts On World’s Poor
‘But God’ Makes The Impossible Possible
RIDGELAND, MS – Stan Buckley planned to visit Haiti only on a short-term mission trip in 2010. He had gathered a small contingent from the church he pastored in Ridgeland, Mississippi, to observe first-hand the effects of the epic earthquake. They just wanted to see if there was anything they could do to help. What… Continue reading ‘But God’ Makes The Impossible Possible
How God Is Using Africa New Life’s Two Hands
KIGALI, RWANDA – Africa New Life began extending its hands of evangelism and compassion to the suffering nation of Rwanda in 2001. The country was just beginning to recover from what has been described as “the swiftest genocide in history.” Over 800,000 Rwandans had been slaughtered over a period of 90 days. More than 600,000… Continue reading How God Is Using Africa New Life’s Two Hands
Are We Winning the Ancient Battle Between Man and Mosquito?
WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA World and affiliates like Gospel for Asia Canada) founded by KP Yohannan, issued this Special Report update on winning the ancient conflict against the mosquito and vector-borne diseases. It’s small, this little welt on my hand or the bump behind my ear. The welts come and go… Continue reading Are We Winning the Ancient Battle Between Man and Mosquito?
Experience Glimpses of Gospel for Asia’s Ministry on YouTube
WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA World and affiliates like Gospel for Asia Canada) founded by Dr. K.P. Yohannan – Discussing Gospel for Asia’s ministry as seen through eight videos on YouTube. Forty-one years ago, the Lord began answering the prayers of a young man from India, his wife and a few Christian… Continue reading Experience Glimpses of Gospel for Asia’s Ministry on YouTube
Feeding Thousands in Persecuted Nations & the USA
CHARLOTTE, NC — CMM thanks partners who helped send thousands of dollars weekly the last two months for feeding starving brethren in many nations in Africa and Asia. CMM works closely with known, trusted, indigenous missionaries in 70 nations. We have known many of these dear friends for years in India, Nigeria and Pakistan are… Continue reading Feeding Thousands in Persecuted Nations & the USA
Ravi Zacharias Memoriam: 1946 – 2020, Now Alive in Heaven
ATLANTA, GA – He was arguably the most eminent Christian apologist of the 20th and the 21st centuries, and perhaps of all time. Ravi Zacharias left his mortal frame this morning and entered into Heaven. His work on earth is done, and he has heard the words, “Well done, good and faithful servant,” spoken by… Continue reading Ravi Zacharias Memoriam: 1946 – 2020, Now Alive in Heaven
Friends in Action: Moving Earth to Share Heaven
ELIZABETHTOWN, PA – Erecting water towers, building boats, digging wells, welding roof trusses, laying pipe, mixing concrete, and constructing roads and bridges may not sound like missionary work, but they are typical of the work of Friends in Action. FIA is a faith-based organization founded in 1992 as Friends of New Tribes Missions (now known… Continue reading Friends in Action: Moving Earth to Share Heaven
Why Christians Celebrate Good Friday
WILLS POINT, TX – As we turn the corner from Palm Sunday and arrive at the final week of Lent, we enter what has been commonly known as Holy Week. Many churches, regardless of whether or not they observe the liturgical season of Lent, hold special services on Good Friday. Regardless of what they have… Continue reading Why Christians Celebrate Good Friday
GFA World Discipleship Program Helps Youth Journey Back to Authentic Christianity
STONEY CREEK, ON – Gospel for Asia Canada (GFA World) says discipleship is essential to give young adults a firm foundation in their faith, so Gospel for Asia (GFA World) equips young adults to make an eternal difference through their gap year program. What if making a significant impact for God’s kingdom was not about… Continue reading GFA World Discipleship Program Helps Youth Journey Back to Authentic Christianity
Staying Apart, While Coming Together No Contradiction for Body of Christ
WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA World) founded by Dr. K.P. Yohannan – The following is a statement from Bishop Danny Yohannan, Vice President, Gospel for Asia, concerning the current Coronavirus crisis: The coronavirus COVID-19 is now impacting our daily lives, and — for many of us — consuming our thoughts and conversations… Continue reading Staying Apart, While Coming Together No Contradiction for Body of Christ
“Read your Bible. Every day,” says Anne Graham Lotz
NASHVILLE, TN – Anne Graham Lotz, daughter of the late evangelist, Billy Graham, and president of AnGeL Ministries in Raleigh, North Carolina, spoke to the assembled crowd at the Closing Gala Dinner of the NRB’s 2020 Christian Media Convention on Friday evening, February 28th. In no uncertain terms, she encouraged her listeners to, “Read your… Continue reading “Read your Bible. Every day,” says Anne Graham Lotz
GFA World Recollects Christmas Tree Lighting in Stoney Creek
STONEY CREEK, ON — Gospel for Asia Canada (GFA World) founded by Dr. K.P. Yohannan, says a much-anticipated event of the season is their Annual Community Christmas Tree Lighting. And in 2019, Gospel for Asia (GFA World) rang in the holiday season with a community Christmas tradition This past December 14 at 7:00 pm, we… Continue reading GFA World Recollects Christmas Tree Lighting in Stoney Creek
Gospel for Asia Reveals ‘Hidden Epidemic’ of Missing Women in U.S., Around the World
WILLS POINT, TX — Gospel for Asia (GFA World) founded by Dr. K.P. Yohannan, released today a shocking new report by that uncovers the “hidden epidemic” of murdered and missing women and girls globally and in America, and challenges people to “combat the culture of violence” in advance of International Women’s Day, March 8. Globally,… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Reveals ‘Hidden Epidemic’ of Missing Women in U.S., Around the World
Christmas Shoeboxes Brought Hope Says GFA World
STONEY CREEK, ON — Gospel for Asia Canada (GFA World) says one of the first signs of Christmas in their local community are the familiar red and green Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes, which is why Gospel for Asia (GFA World) joined with Samaritan’s Purse in the last two years to bring hope and joy to… Continue reading Christmas Shoeboxes Brought Hope Says GFA World
Gospel for Asia Highlights Lent Season, Calls Christians to Pray for Coronavirus Crisis, Suffering
WILLS POINT, TX — As the global coronavirus crisis continues to escalate, mission agency Gospel for Asia (GFA) today challenged Christians to pray and fast for divine intervention during the upcoming Lent season. Mission agency also unveils new website to refocus Christians on Christ and his heart for the hurting through Lenten season of prayer,… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Highlights Lent Season, Calls Christians to Pray for Coronavirus Crisis, Suffering
Gospel for Asia Canada: Serving the Community, Impacting the World
STONEY CREEK, ON – Gospel for Asia Canada (GFA World) says that community events are an important part of our lives. They play a vital role in allowing us to serve our neighbors and build relationships within Stoney Creek and the surrounding area. The autumn season is especially filled with opportunities to serve, both on… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Canada: Serving the Community, Impacting the World
World Leprosy Day 2020: Gospel for Asia’s Reminder of a Most Misunderstood Disease
WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia is reminding the public that World Leprosy Day will be observed this year on January 26. For more than 60 years, the last Sunday of January has been set apart and designated to remind people of this terrible, disfiguring and misunderstood disease. Many Westerners still believe that leprosy… Continue reading World Leprosy Day 2020: Gospel for Asia’s Reminder of a Most Misunderstood Disease
Gospel for Asia Unwraps ‘Hope to Forgotten Ones’ Christmas Campaign
WILLS POINT, TX — Millions of “unwanted” children in Asia crave “the gift of love and hope” this Christmas, missions agency Gospel for Asia (GFA) said today — as the Texas-based organization launched a Christmas season campaign to help what it calls “the forgotten ones.” Asia’s ‘unwanted children’ crave ‘Hope More than Anything Else’ at… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Unwraps ‘Hope to Forgotten Ones’ Christmas Campaign
Gift-Giving to Asia’s ‘Least of These’ is Heart of GFA’s Christmas Campaign
Gospel for Asia’s ‘Forgotten Christmas’ Says ‘Put Compassion Ahead of Commercialism.’ WILLS POINT, TX — Faith-based missions agency Gospel for Asia (GFA) is challenging people to reject the commercialization of Christmas and instead remember Christ and His heart for Asia’s 300 million “forgotten” outcasts this festive holiday season. Last year, Americans spent an estimated $720 billion… Continue reading Gift-Giving to Asia’s ‘Least of These’ is Heart of GFA’s Christmas Campaign
World Toilet Day Report: Open Defecation Still Practiced by Millions
WILLS POINT, TX – The United Nations has designated November 19 as the annual observation of World Toilet Day. The point of the day is to draw attention to the global sanitation crisis. Sanitation crisis? How bad is it? Some 4.2 billion people – over half of the world’s population – do not have access… Continue reading World Toilet Day Report: Open Defecation Still Practiced by Millions
Re-directed Christmas Spending Could End Abject Poverty, Says Gospel for Asia Report
WILLS POINT, TX — Faith-based mission agency Gospel for Asia (GFA) – on the frontlines in the fight against poverty–has released a new report declaring extreme poverty “public enemy number one,” and challenging people everywhere to help eradicate it. The release of the report – titled Poverty: Public Enemy #1: Eliminating Extreme Poverty Worldwide is… Continue reading Re-directed Christmas Spending Could End Abject Poverty, Says Gospel for Asia Report
Hand Washing Solutions Save Thousands of Lives Says Gospel for Asia
WILLS POINT, TX — While Americans take washing their hands for granted, thousands of children in Asia die every year because their families don’t wash their hands properly, mission agency Gospel for Asia (GFA) reported, marking Global Handwashing Day, October 15. Under the theme “Clean Hands for All,” Global Handwashing Day promotes the vital importance… Continue reading Hand Washing Solutions Save Thousands of Lives Says Gospel for Asia
It Takes Only One Mosquito to Lead to Remarkable Truths About FBOs and World Health
WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA) issues an extensive Special Report on the deadly diseases brought by the mosquito and the storied impact of faith-based organizations on world health, fighting for the Kingdom to “come on earth as it is in heaven.” It takes only one mosquito, buzzing around with ill intent, dive-bombing… Continue reading It Takes Only One Mosquito to Lead to Remarkable Truths About FBOs and World Health
Mission Agency Gospel for Asia Spotlights ‘Crisis of Abuse’ Facing Girls in Asia
Marking International Day of the Girl Child, October 11, Mission Agency Gospel for Asia Says Thousands of Girls in Asia Saved from Possible ‘Fate Worse than Death.’ WILLS POINT, TX — Tens of thousands of girls in Asia at risk of being sold into prostitution or slave labor have been saved from a possible “fate… Continue reading Mission Agency Gospel for Asia Spotlights ‘Crisis of Abuse’ Facing Girls in Asia
Literacy: One of the Great Miracle Cures for Limitations on the Human Spirit
Resolving the Limitations Illiteracy Places on the Human Spirit WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA) issues an extensive Special Report on illiteracy, the dominant disabler to flourishing for millions around the world, and the miraculous potential of literacy that is able to change the lives of men, women and children for generations. Few… Continue reading Literacy: One of the Great Miracle Cures for Limitations on the Human Spirit
Bicycle Campaign by Gospel for Asia Spurs Compassion on Wheels
Faith-based Agency Helps Bring Christ’s Love into Far-flung Villages, www.gfa.org/press/bicycles WILLS POINT, TX — Aiming to bring “compassion on wheels” into more remote villages in Asia, faith-based agency Gospel for Asia (GFA) today announced the launch of a new bicycle campaign. In August and September – a period when many Americans enjoy taking their bikes… Continue reading Bicycle Campaign by Gospel for Asia Spurs Compassion on Wheels
Literacy is ‘Miracle Cure’ to Absolute Poverty for Women Says Gospel for Asia
WILLS POINT, TX — With more than 250 million women in Asia unable to read or write, faith-based mission agency Gospel for Asia (GFA) cites literacy as a “miracle cure” to release women from generational poverty. To mark International Literacy Day, Sunday, Sept. 8, the humanitarian organization located in Texas announced it was publishing a… Continue reading Literacy is ‘Miracle Cure’ to Absolute Poverty for Women Says Gospel for Asia
Gospel for Asia Reflects on Labor Day: Pray Their Labor Is Not in Vain
WILLS POINT, TX — Labor Day has been celebrated by Americans on the first Monday in September since 1894. Labor Day has become the unofficial last day of summer. Picnics, hot dogs, parades, and fireworks. Only a few continue to observe the day in recognition of the rights of laborers and to remember those who… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Reflects on Labor Day: Pray Their Labor Is Not in Vain
World Water Week Strives to Achieve Water Wise World by Inclusive Dialogue
STOCKHOLM – Experts from around the world will meet in Stockholm during World Water Week from August 25 to 30 to consider the growing concerns regarding water-related issues. Access to clean water, particularly drinking water, has been the basis for numerous Missions Box News stories over the past few years as part of our effort… Continue reading World Water Week Strives to Achieve Water Wise World by Inclusive Dialogue
Monsoon Flooding Wallops South Asia, Gospel for Asia Supported Congregations
SOUTH ASIA — While the Chennai state is plagued by drought, other parts of India, Nepal, and Bangladesh are enduring the annual monsoon season. Many are fleeing their homes and villages for safer ground due to the flooding, as South Asia’s monsoon season is devastating schools, homes and churches, displacing hundreds of thousands of people,… Continue reading Monsoon Flooding Wallops South Asia, Gospel for Asia Supported Congregations
Gospel for Asia Takes a Stand Against ‘Child Killer’ Mosquitoes, Malaria
WILLS POINT, TX — Faith-based agency Gospel for Asia (GFA) announced it is making a stand against the deadly mosquito menace and resulting malaria parasite killing thousands of children in Asia, as the Christian organization marks the annual World Mosquito Day on August 20. To read GFA’s special report entitled “Fighting Malaria—a Chilling Disease,” visit:… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Takes a Stand Against ‘Child Killer’ Mosquitoes, Malaria
Gospel for Asia: There Is So Much More Yet to Do
WILLS POINT – Dr. K.P. Yohannan and the staff of Gospel for Asia (GFA) celebrated God’s faithfulness on the 40th anniversary of its founding on July 3. After four decades of accomplishments beyond expectations in ministry or any other successful endeavor, many would accept their laurels then rest upon them, satisfied that their task is… Continue reading Gospel for Asia: There Is So Much More Yet to Do