Rohingya Children Disappearing

Photo by Firdaus Latif The children of the Rohingya are disappearing off the street. The Rohingya are one of the most oppressed people, who have no homeland. Voice of America reports, “A spate of disappearances among the children of displaced Rohingya in Bangladesh is raising fears the children have been abducted into the region’s human… Continue reading Rohingya Children Disappearing

Human Trafficking at Kentucky Derby

The Kentucky Derby is known for the horse racing and gambling. Yet, something more sinister looms around the time of the Kentucky Derby. It is human trafficking. Fox News reports, “Authorities are seeking help in cracking down on sex traffickers trying to cash in on the huge crowds converging for the world’s most famous horse… Continue reading Human Trafficking at Kentucky Derby

Prostitution rampant during Rio Olympics

As the world focused on Rio de Janeiro for the 2016 Olympics, prostitutes as young as nine years old poured into the city in hopes of cashing in on the influx of tourists and money. Prostitution is legal in Brazil, and so rampant that child prostitutes regularly work the 262 truck stops on the 2,800-mile… Continue reading Prostitution rampant during Rio Olympics

U.S. report ranks trafficking abuse; Myanmar among the worst

Myanmar called an annual report issued by the U.S. State Department “sad and regrettable” after being named among the worst human trafficking offenders. Along with Iran, North Korea and Syria, the report cited Myanmar’s negligence to meet “the minimum standards for eliminating trafficking.” Reuters reported that Myanmar’s ranking, which got downgraded from the previous year,… Continue reading U.S. report ranks trafficking abuse; Myanmar among the worst

Human Slavery Continues to Violate 27 Million Worldwide, Including U.S. Victims

The egregious act of slavery, particularly for sexual exploitation, has grown at alarming rates globally. However, governments, non-government organizations and Christian ministries like the Dalit Freedom Network and Passion Conferences are now actively challenging the offenders and offering hope to victims. Everlyn Chumbow, in her contribution to CNN says this: Should you feel compassion? Yes.… Continue reading Human Slavery Continues to Violate 27 Million Worldwide, Including U.S. Victims

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