WCC Expresses Concern About Colombia’s Peace Process in Light of Recent Killings of Micoahumado Community Leaders

Rev. Frank Chikane addresses leaders of the community of Micoahumado on February 2018. Photo: Marcelo Schneider/WCC

GENEVE — “We express our deepest concern with regard to the search for peace in Colombia, and we call upon the Colombian government and all armed actors to refrain from targeting social leaders and communities in conflict zones,” said Rev. Frank Chikane, moderator of the World Council of Churches’ (WCC) Commission of the Churches on… Continue reading WCC Expresses Concern About Colombia’s Peace Process in Light of Recent Killings of Micoahumado Community Leaders

Chinese Government Agency Hosts a Seminar on ‘Enormous Harm’ of Christianity to China

A local government communications agency in China held a seminar in April to discuss with Communist Party members the “enormous harm” the growth of Christianity is to the atheist nation. The Chinese Christian persecution watchdog China Aid raised an alarm about the event, titled “Christianity’s Enormous Harm on China’s Security,” held on April 22 in the… Continue reading Chinese Government Agency Hosts a Seminar on ‘Enormous Harm’ of Christianity to China

Reuters Writers Released from Myanmar Jail

Reuters reporter Wa Lone after arrest - February 2018

YANGON – Reuters journalists, Wa Lone (33) and Kyaw So Oo (29) were detained in Myanmar in December 2017. They were charged and eventually convicted of violating the country’s Official Secrets Act. They were sentenced to seven years in prison. Today, the two men are free after spending more than 500 days in custody. They… Continue reading Reuters Writers Released from Myanmar Jail

A Call to Prayer from the Streets of Venezuela

VENEZUELA – This week Venezuela woke up to the news of a civic and military uprising led by opposition leader Juan Guaido, recognized by over 50 countries as Venezuela’s legitimate interim president. They called it Operation Liberty, a movement to remove the discredited president Nicolás Maduro from power. Chaos and uncertainty spread through the streets… Continue reading A Call to Prayer from the Streets of Venezuela

USCIRF Report: China, Two Dozen Other Countries Top Religious Freedom Offenders List

WASHINGTON — With its particular focus on China’s oppression of religious and human rights, an independent watchdog group has decried in its annual report the state of religious freedom across the globe. The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, a bipartisan organization created 20 years ago, concludes in its Monday (April 29) report that “innumerable… Continue reading USCIRF Report: China, Two Dozen Other Countries Top Religious Freedom Offenders List

Urgent: Chinese Woman’s Life in Peril Should The Netherlands Repatriate

AMSTERDAM — A Chinese petitioner is on track to be repatriated by the Netherlands back to China, where she will likely face severe persecution and may even lose her life. Chen Yan sought asylum in the Netherlands after she faced persecution for petitioning the Chinese Communist Party. Now, shortly after she protested during Chinese Premier… Continue reading Urgent: Chinese Woman’s Life in Peril Should The Netherlands Repatriate

People’s Republic of Luhansk Bans Baptist Churches

LUHANSK, Ukraine – The unrecognized People’s Republic of Luhansk, an independent quasi-state of Ukraine drafted a law requiring all churches`to “re-register” just four years after declaring its independence during the armed conflict of 2014. The February 2018 legislation pertained to all Protestant churches and required them to re-register by October 2018. The re-registration was required… Continue reading People’s Republic of Luhansk Bans Baptist Churches

South Asia’s Sad Secret: Indignity & Injustice by Dowry

ASIA – Gospel for Asia released a special report on “Seeking Justice & Defending Human Rights.” In addition to being available on the ministry’s website, the report was published in three parts on Patheos. The recurring theme of the report was abuse and indignity suffered by women and children, especially those in developing countries in… Continue reading South Asia’s Sad Secret: Indignity & Injustice by Dowry

ChinaAid’s Annual Persecution Report Demonstrates Increase in Persecution

MIDLAND, TX – March 4, 2019 — ChinaAid has released its 2018 Annual Persecution Report, demonstrating China’s sharp escalation of human rights and religious freedom abuses over the past year and providing key examples. The report, published in both Chinese and English, catalogs cases of China’s oppression of Christians and contrasts them to cases documented… Continue reading ChinaAid’s Annual Persecution Report Demonstrates Increase in Persecution

ECHR Rules: Turkey Violated Freedom of Religious Assembly

STRASBOURG – The European Court of Human Rights has rendered a judgment against Turkey in the case of Altınkaynak and Others v. Turkey. The court ruled that Turkey had violated the rights of a group of Seventh Day Adventists in 2004 when they attempted to register their religious foundation. Although Turkey ratified the European Convention… Continue reading ECHR Rules: Turkey Violated Freedom of Religious Assembly

UK to Investigate the Persecution of Christians

LONDON – Great Britain’s Foreign Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, ordered a review today into the escalation of persecution of Christians around the world. Current estimates are that 250 Christians die every month as a result of persecution-related violence. The aim of the reviews is to determine what the UK can do aid what is now more… Continue reading UK to Investigate the Persecution of Christians

Not Forsaken – A Modern Day Paul in China

CHENGDU – Last week Chinese authorities detained Pastor Wang Yi and 100 members of the Early Rain Covenant Church in Chengdu, Szechuan, China.Bob Fu, the president of ChinaAid, said that “the massive overnight attack . . . represents a major escalation of religious persecution in China.”Former U.S. Senator and current U.S. Ambassador at Large for… Continue reading Not Forsaken – A Modern Day Paul in China

A Biblical Worldview of Human Rights and Social Justice

WILLS POINT, TX – It is important for Christians to understand the concepts of human rights and social justice from the popular global perspective and in the light of the Word of God. It is, in fact, our responsibility to do so because the popular worldview and the Biblical worldview are not the same. The… Continue reading A Biblical Worldview of Human Rights and Social Justice

ACLJ Releases Petition to Free Wrongfully Imprisoned U.S. Pastor

WASHINGTON – On November 15, 2018, the American Law and Justice Center (ACLJ) published a petition to release John Cao, a U.S. pastor imprisoned in China on fabricated organizing illegal border crossing charges. Cao, whose family resides in North Carolina, was arrested by Chinese officials in March 2017 as he crossed the border between Myanmar… Continue reading ACLJ Releases Petition to Free Wrongfully Imprisoned U.S. Pastor

Apple Receives Thomson Reuters Annual Stop Slavery Award

LONDON – The Thomson Reuters Foundation presented its annual Stop Slavery Award to a company that has been previously criticized for partnering with offshore suppliers who employed underage workers and used employment tactics that fall under the definition of slavery and human trafficking. The award was presented to tech giant Apple, not because of the… Continue reading Apple Receives Thomson Reuters Annual Stop Slavery Award

Hope for Asia in the War on Drugs

KOLKATA – The International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC) released a 138-page report on October 21, 2018, entitled, “Taking stock: A decade of drug policy.” The report used data supplied by the United Nations compiled to evaluate its progress of its 2009 Political Declaration and Plan of Action on Drugs. The news on drugs is not… Continue reading Hope for Asia in the War on Drugs

The Erdogan Enigma

NEW YORK – Recep Erdogan is the President of Turkey, one of the most complex nations in the world at the moment. His economy is crumbling, he is responsible for holding a North Carolina pastor in jail on bogus charges of attempting to overthrow the Turkish government, and he has made it clear that he… Continue reading The Erdogan Enigma

Pakistan Expels 18 Foreign Aid Groups

ISLAMABAD – The Interior Ministry of Pakistan has given 18 international foreign aid groups 60 days to shut down their operations and leave the country. All 18 agencies had filed appeals in response to an earlier notice from the IM. The first agency to report the news was ActionAid, a Johannesburg-based, international that aims to… Continue reading Pakistan Expels 18 Foreign Aid Groups

Good News from Sudan!

A Sudanese Church of Christ Building

SUDAN – Good news is getting hard to find. It just doesn’t seem to be sensational enough to make compelling headlines. Missions Box News is seeking to change that by reporting the good news that Christians should know. Some exceptionally good news has come out of Sudan over the last several days. Sudan is currently… Continue reading Good News from Sudan!

Simple Story of Village Reconciliation Offers ‘Pathway to Peace’ for Divided World

GFA (Gospel for Asia) shares example of reconciliation to mark International Day of Peace and inspire more peacemakers to prayer and action WILLS POINT, Texas—As political and religious divisions widen and deepen around the world, GFA (Gospel for Asia) hopes that a simple story of reconciliation and forgiveness will inspire more people to pray and… Continue reading Simple Story of Village Reconciliation Offers ‘Pathway to Peace’ for Divided World

The Statement on Social Justice & the Gospel

LOS ANGELES – Last week, more than 3,000 evangelical Christians and churches became signatories along with Dr. John MacArthur to The Statement on Social Justice and the Gospel. The statement grew out of a series of messages by Dr. MacArthur in which he named the growth of “social justice” as a leading threat to the… Continue reading The Statement on Social Justice & the Gospel

“Churches’ Indispensable Role” in India Evident After Kerala Flooding

GFA-supported Sister of Compassion Prepare Essentials for Flood Survivors

CHENNAI – Vijay Jayaraj holds a Master of Science degree in Environmental Science from the University of East Anglia in Great Britain. He is a native of India and a resident of Chennai. In a recent op-ed to published by the Christian Post, he lauded the immediate and substantial aid by Christians following the Kerala… Continue reading “Churches’ Indispensable Role” in India Evident After Kerala Flooding

“Lack of Religious Freedom Anywhere Is a Threat Everywhere”

WASHINGTON, DC – Sam Brownback, the U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom open the first meeting of a three-day Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom conference in Washington DC sponsored by the U.S. State Department. In his opening speech on 24 July, he said, ‘ The lack of religious freedom anywhere is a threat everywhere.” His… Continue reading “Lack of Religious Freedom Anywhere Is a Threat Everywhere”

The Nations Are Coming to Us

ChinaTown in New York

I travel at least once a month between where I live and where my parents live. Every once in a while, as I wait in airports, I see people who are foreigners and do not know the God who loves them. It really breaks my heart, because according to God’s Word, they’re heading to hell… Continue reading The Nations Are Coming to Us

55,000 Displaced Syrian Children Are in Danger

DAMASCUS – Hundreds of thousands of innocent people have been killed in the seven-year-long Syrian Civil War. An estimated 11 million people have been displaced from their homes, creating one of the greatest refugee crises in history. Over 270,000 people have fled to southern Syria during the month of July. The single largest displacement of… Continue reading 55,000 Displaced Syrian Children Are in Danger

Freedom of Religion Endangered by New Law in Laos

VIENTIANE – The constitution of the nation of Laos guarantees its citizens freedom of religion. Specifically, it recognizes their “right and freedom to believe or not to believe in religion.” In addition, Laos is “a state party” to the seven core international human rights treaties under which they are obligated to “respect, protect, and fulfill… Continue reading Freedom of Religion Endangered by New Law in Laos

New Manual for Faith-Sensitive Approach by FBOs Excludes Proselytizing

GENEVA – The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) and Islamic Relief Worldwide (IRW) have collaborated to publish a new manual of guidelines for a “faith-sensitive approach” by faith-based organizations (FBOs). The 88-page document outlines guidelines by the UN-affiliated Inter-Agency Standing Committee for acceptable approaches for FBOs offering humanitarian responses to people in need around the globe.… Continue reading New Manual for Faith-Sensitive Approach by FBOs Excludes Proselytizing

Nigeria – Conquering Polio, Playing in World Cup, But Coming Apart at the Seams

What will our future be?

ABUJA – The country of Nigeria is an enigma. While, on the one hand, the Nigerian Minister of Health announced today that the country’s efforts to eliminate polio within its borders “are beginning to yield results, considering the fact that we have spent 18 months without a case of poliovirus,” the country stands at the… Continue reading Nigeria – Conquering Polio, Playing in World Cup, But Coming Apart at the Seams

Need for Aid Increasing in Myanmar

YANGON – Life goes on as normal for Christians and Muslims in Myanmar, just as life goes on as normal for Christians and Muslims in America. Normal is the operative word because what is normal for them is at the extreme opposite of what normal is for us. We often refer to normal as “the… Continue reading Need for Aid Increasing in Myanmar

Death Penalty Now Mandatory for Apostasy in Mauritania

NOUAKCHOTT, Mauritania – On 27 April 2018, The National Assembly of Mauritania passed a law that makes the death penalty mandatory for anyone convicted of “blasphemous speech” and acts deemed “sacrilegious.” Human rights experts from the UN, the African Commission of Human and People’s Rights (ACHPR), and more than 20 NGOs have called upon the… Continue reading Death Penalty Now Mandatory for Apostasy in Mauritania

Texas Senator Ted Cruz to Address Capitol Hill Policy Day

WASHINGTON, DC – Texas Senator Ted Cruz heads the lineup of speakers and panelists featured at the Capitol Hill Policy Day at the Capitol Visitor Center on June 5, 2018. The conference, sponsored by International Christian Concern, will focus on “the crisis of violence in Nigeria brought about by both Boko Haram and Fulani militants.”… Continue reading Texas Senator Ted Cruz to Address Capitol Hill Policy Day

Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins Appointed to USCIRF

WASHINGTON, DC – Tony Perkins, President of the Family Research Council and anchor of the daily radio broadcast Washington Watch, has been appointed to the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) upon the recommendation of Senator Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. The appointment was announced on Monday, May 14, 2018. Perkins earned a BS… Continue reading Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins Appointed to USCIRF

U.S. Embassy Opens in Jerusalem – The World Reacts

JERUSALEM – News channels around the globe carried live coverage of the official opening of the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem on Monday, May 14, 2018. Although the move of the embassy operations is intended to be permanent, the embassy will temporarily use the U.S. Consulate building until another location can be built or acquired and… Continue reading U.S. Embassy Opens in Jerusalem – The World Reacts

Scandals of Poverty: Seeing the Poor Through Jesus’ Eyes

“Blessed is he who considers the poor.” – Psalm 40:17 Wills Point, Texas – GFA (Gospel for Asia) – Discussing the scandals of poverty. Nearly everything about poverty is scandalous. The United Nations Millennium Goals include the eradication of extreme poverty and hunger. Faith-based organizations and other NGO’s, major businesses, and UN member states have… Continue reading Scandals of Poverty: Seeing the Poor Through Jesus’ Eyes

The Rising Challenge of Stateless Children

WILLS POINT, Texas – It is no secret that the world is rife with problems ranging from terrorism and wars to hunger and health issues. Many of these and other problems spawn floods of refugees seeking safe harbor from potential harm. Many would consider making a successful journey to a safer place a success. However,… Continue reading The Rising Challenge of Stateless Children

Seeking Justice and Defending Human Rights Wherever Poverty and Oppression Exist

Gospel for Asia (GFA World) Special Report on the worldwide issue of extreme poverty Written by Palmer Holt of InChrist Communications More than 80 years after George Orwell wrote in his classic Animal Farm that “all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others,” his barbed observation on disparity rings ever truer for… Continue reading Seeking Justice and Defending Human Rights Wherever Poverty and Oppression Exist

Baptist Pastors Among 8,500 Prisoners Granted Amnesty in Myanmar

Yangon, Myanmar

YANGON, Myanmar – The President of Myanmar granted amnesty to more than 8,500 people incarcerated in prisons around the county. The action was, in part, associated with an annual tradition in celebration of the Myanmar New Year. Among those being released are 51 foreigners, eight political detainees, and two Baptist pastors. The two pastors, Dumdaw… Continue reading Baptist Pastors Among 8,500 Prisoners Granted Amnesty in Myanmar

International Christian Concern Helps Egyptian Widower Rebuild His Life

ALEXANDRIA – A terrorist attack on two Coptic Christian churches on Palm Sunday 2017 left more than 40 people dead and 125 injured. It also made several men, women, and children widows, widowers, and orphans. One of the deceased was Hanan Dreas, a wife and mother of two children ages six and 10. Her husband,… Continue reading International Christian Concern Helps Egyptian Widower Rebuild His Life

Turkish Prosecutor Demands American Pastor Gets Life in Prison

Andrew Brunson, an American Pastor is in danger of spending life in prison if the US doesn't intervene. Source: Wheldon Boddy

American pastor Andrew Brunson has been in prison for 18 months in Turkey, accused of ties to an American terrorist. Pastor Brunson had been in Turkey for 20 years before his arrest, in which he was charged with plotting with terrorists for a coup, according to Fox News. He’s also been accused of helping a Kurdish… Continue reading Turkish Prosecutor Demands American Pastor Gets Life in Prison

Instances of Child Marriage Down in India, Up in Sub-Shaharan Africa

WILLS POINT, Texas – “Child marriage is one of the most worrisome problems in Asia. Boys and especially girls, who are supposed to play, learn and live a free life are married off at a very young age, and this not only affects their freedom but also takes a severe physical and mental toll on… Continue reading Instances of Child Marriage Down in India, Up in Sub-Shaharan Africa

NGOs Present Proposal to UN on Religious Freedom in Malaysia

GENEVA – A group of five NGOs met with UN officials on 06 March to discuss the recent case of four Malaysian Christians requesting changes on their national identity cards. The federal court in Sarawak refused to rule on their appeal on 26 February (see “Malaysia High Court Dismisses Christians’ Appeal”). The meeting took place… Continue reading NGOs Present Proposal to UN on Religious Freedom in Malaysia

EU Parliament Grants Pakistan Special Trade Status Despite Human Rights Warnings

BRUSSELS – The European Parliament warned Pakistan last week that the renewal of its favored status trade deal would be dependent upon the government’s release of a woman, Asia Bibi, who has been held on death row on a blasphemy case since 2010. Prior to adjournment, however, the parliament voted to continue to extend economic… Continue reading EU Parliament Grants Pakistan Special Trade Status Despite Human Rights Warnings

Gospel for Asia Observes World Day of Social Justice

WILLS POINT, Texas – Gospel for Asia (GFA) is drawing attention to the United Nations’ 11th Annual World Day of Social Justice (WDOSJ) during February, 2018 by producing a Special Report: Seeking Justice and Defending Human Rights Wherever Poverty and Oppression Exist. The theme of the WDOSJ this year is “Workers on the Move: The… Continue reading Gospel for Asia Observes World Day of Social Justice

Tragedy in Mozambique

HULENE, MAPUTO, Mozambique – At least 17 people died, and numerous others are missing following the collapse of garbage landfill in Mozambique. Many of the dead had been residing in a slum village at the lower perimeter of the garbage pile that is three-stories tall. Early reports include accounts of failed attempts to close the… Continue reading Tragedy in Mozambique

IJM and Local Officials Free 15 from Slavery in Chennai

CHENNAI, INDIA – They work in brick kilns, quarries, fisheries, fields, forests, and factories. They look like any other laborers. But they are different. They are slave labor. According to an International Justice Mission (IJM) Fact Sheet, 40.3 million people are held as forced-labor slaves around the world. Twenty-five percent are children. Nearly half of… Continue reading IJM and Local Officials Free 15 from Slavery in Chennai

300 Child Soldiers Released in South Sudan

300 children soldiers have been released in South Sudan.

On Feb. 7, more than 300 children in South Sudan were released from being child soldiers. Al Jazeera news network reports, “The 311 children, including 87 girls, will now begin reintegrating into their communities, the UN mission in the country (UNMISS) said in a statement on Wednesday.” These children lost their innocence at a very… Continue reading 300 Child Soldiers Released in South Sudan

Sudanese Pastors Remain Homeless

Sudan is ranked as one of the top five countries in which Christians face the most significant persecution. The war-torn country has been named “A Country of Particular Concern” by the U.S. State Department since 1999 due to the persecution of Christians and widespread human rights issues. After South Sudan seceded in 2011 after one… Continue reading Sudanese Pastors Remain Homeless

[UPDATE] Brownback Confirmed as U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom

Nominee Sam Brownback

WASHINGTON – Earlier this month, we reported that confirmation of President Trumps nominee for the position of U.S. Ambassador-at-Large, Kansas governor, Sam Brownback had been stalled in the Senate. The president had nominated Brownback in July 2017. The nomination expired when Congress adjourned for the holidays without voting on the matter. President Trump resubmitted Brownback’s… Continue reading [UPDATE] Brownback Confirmed as U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom

Bolivia’s Article 88.11 May Curb Evangelism

LA PAZ, Bolivia – The National Association of Evangelicals in Bolivia (NAEB) has formed a National Energy Commission in response to the inclusion of Article 88.11 in the country’s new Penal Code. “Whoever recruits, transports, deprives of freedom or hosts people with the aim of recruiting them to take part in armed conflicts or religious… Continue reading Bolivia’s Article 88.11 May Curb Evangelism

France Takes in Libyan Migrants

The first migrant to be rescued from slavery in Libya arrived in Paris on December 19. Source: Taxiarchos228

On Dec. 19, the first refugees from Libya arrived in Paris after France made a declaration to help those caught in a present-day slave trade. CNN reported that the French government “stepped up its fight against slavery as the first group of refugees rescued from Libya touched down Tuesday in Paris from Niger.” France is… Continue reading France Takes in Libyan Migrants

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