Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals to Host Two Annual Spring Conferences Via Live Stream Free of Charge with No Registration Required

The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is making two annual conferences available without fee or registration through online streaming

LANCASTER, PA — The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals ( is making two annual events available without fee or registration through online streaming at and The Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology, “Delighting in Our Triune God,” will stream over April 28 to May 5, and the Quakertown Women’s Conference, “Contentment in Christ,” will from May 14 to 15. The audio from these pre-recorded spring conferences will later be available for purchase. For times, topics, and speaker bios, visit

“We are pleased to make these conferences conveniently available for free through our online streams as a way to foster live community learning in a convenient environment while we all continue to navigate through COVID ramifications,” said Executive Director Bob Brady. Alliance staff administering the events will be available to answer questions and facilitate participation.

  • Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology 2021, “Delighting in Our Triune God,” April 28 to May 5. The first council of the ancient church at Nicaea in 325 A.D. defended the doctrine of the Trinity, one God in three Persons, against attacks seen as heretical while requiring subscription to it as essential for a Christian profession. Speakers are: Michael Barrett, Jonathan Landry Cruse, David Garner, Robert Letham, Richard Phillips, Todd Rester, and Jeff Stivason.”Most cults in some way deny the Trinity and Christ’s deity, and often Christians aren’t well equipped to defend these doctrines,” said Brady. “This conference will provide important training to do so by a group of experienced scholar-preachers.”The conference will show how the Reformed, confessional faith has placed the Trinity at the center of its doctrine through the famous acrostic, TULIP, with the Father ordaining, the Son accomplishing, and the Spirit applying the salvation of believers. Topics include the spirited discussion over the eternal subordination of the Son and how the Trinity is revealed in the Old as well as the New Testament.
  • Quakertown Women’s Conference 2021, “Contentment in Christ,” May 14 to 15. Christian contentment through diverse and trying circumstances is a command found in Scriptures such as 1 Timothy 6:8 and Hebrews 13:5. Yet the discipline is described by renowned Puritan authors as a “rare jewel” and an “art” that eludes most Christians. This conference will teach how contentment, though difficult to acquire, is attainable for believers through cultivation with examples such as the Apostle Paul in Philippians 4:11 to model.”There may not be a more timely practical topic to study than contentment while families adjust in myriad ways to life during COVID,” said Brady.Speakers are: Hannah Anderson, Cecelia Bernhardt, Megan Hill, and Kathleen Nielson. These women authors, professors, counselors, and lecturers will give six messages on subjects such as “Contentment in Adverse Circumstances,” “Contentment and Riches,” and “Cultivating Contentment.”

About the Alliance

Headquartered in Lancaster, Pa., the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals is a coalition of pastors, scholars, and churchmen who hold to the historic creeds and confessions of the Reformed faith and who proclaim biblical doctrine in order to foster a Reformed awakening in today’s Church. It primarily does so through broadcasting, printed and online publishing, and special events. It began in 1949 as Evangelical Ministries, which broadcast The Bible Study Hour radio program and published Eternity magazine. It also played a strategic role in the International Council on Biblical Inerrancy, the Cambridge Declaration, and the establishment of the Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology. For more information, visit

CONTACT: Grant Van Leuven, 619-616-9484,

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