Andrew Palau Repays Family Legacy in Welsh Gospel Mission

Andrew Palau recently preached in a mission week event called Shine Swansea in South Wales, which saw a significant Gospel harvest.

SOUTH WALES – Luis Palau and his family have always felt a debt of gratitude to the missionaries from Wales who came to Argentina and led his many members of his family to Christ. That’s why his son Andrew Palau recently preached in a mission week event called Shine Swansea in South Wales, which saw a significant Gospel harvest.

The Luis Palau Association recently partnered with the organizers of a major mission week in South Wales in the UK called Shine Swansea.

Evangelist Andrew Palau explains why he felt called to come and work alongside the many churches in Swansea for this significant outreach.

Dad came in 1976, met some pastors and it was a tour called From Argentina With Thanks. Dad shared about all the good things that had happened over 50 years of those faithful missionaries serving and winning the Palau family to Christ.

So my grandmother first and then my grandfather came to know the Lord and that was the beginning of transformation in our family. So that’s the first days of getting to know Wales. We have a debt of gratitude in our hearts.

So when the conversation began and we began to understand about the great things happening among the churches in Shine Swansea and many other things happening around the valleys we were happy to be invited to come and serve alongside.

Throughout the week around 30 churches coordinated daily bible teaching, beach and street outreaches and family fun days, which culminated each evening with Andrew Palau preaching a Gospel message at St Helens rugby and cricket ground.

They’re doing encouragement and outreach to the families on the cricket and football ground and then in the evenings the sharing of the Gospel. So we’ve already seen a great harvest, people coming to faith in the activities and the preaching so good news already.

Andrew concluded by sharing one testimony that highlights the impact of what took place throughout Shine Swansea.

As the prayer tent opened at noon exactly a woman was waiting at the door of the tent and came straight in with her little dog and said I would really like to know God, do you think you could help me. Imagine that. Our prayers were answered immediately. And it was such a thrill to see her interacting and to talk with this woman afterwards and understand her history and background.

She said she was walking her dog on the beach and she felt like God was speaking to her calling to her and she said she was speaking to God. And she said to our friend Debs do you think that’s strange, I don’t want you to think I’m a strange person. No we don’t think you’re strange at all, we think it’s beautiful. And she’s received the Lord and going forward and coming back tonight and we’re going to continue to walk with her in her new found faith.

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