Bible Museum Opens in Timisoara, Romania

The opening of the Bible Museum in Timisoara is an unprecedented event in Romania. Over 500 copies of the Holy Book, part of pastor Ionel Tutac's personal collection, are on public display in an art gallery inside the Theseria bastion.

TIMISOARA, Romania – The opening of the Bible Museum in Timisoara is an unprecedented event in Romania. Over 500 copies of the Holy Book, part of pastor Ionel Tutac’s personal collection, are on public display in an art gallery inside the Theseria bastion. The Bible Museum is a project realized by ‘Family Revival’ Association in Lugoj city, in partnership with the Timis County Council and with the support of the Metropolis of Banat.

“My personal collection comprises over 800 copies. I couldn’t bring all of them. I had to leave home a few remarkable copies. One of them is a New Testament written in Greek, in 1953, that’s not in good condition. That’s all I could bring. My plan is to keep enlarging my collection, until I’ll have 1,000 copies, which is not impossible nowadays. Then I wish to take a step further and open a permanent museum in Timisoara.” — Ionel Tutac, pastor, ‘Family Revival’ Association, president, Lugoj City

At the opening, pastor Ionel Tutac said the initiative of organizing the Museum stemmed from his wish of promoting the Scripture and encouraging people to read and learn about Bible’s influence.

Attending the event, His Eminence Ioan, Metropolitan of Banat, appreciated the initiative and highlighted Bible’s importance in our lives.

His Eminence Ioan, Metropolitan of Banat said,

“The Bible reactivates a nation’s moral values. It teaches you to respect your mother, to wish a good day to the elderly and to honor them, to honor your parents. We learn that through the Ten Commandments given by God to Moses and through the words of love spoken by our Savior, Jesus Christ.”

The Bible Museum set up at the Theresia bastion remains open until April 25 and will host various events: interviews with celebrities, meetings with guests from Romania and abroad, documentary movie screenings, debates on Bible’s role and influence, Bible-themed caricatures exposition, concerts and Bible contests.

To read more news on the Bible on Missions Box, go here.

Source: Global News Alliance, Bible Museum Opens in Timisoara, Romania
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