Christians Urged to Share Stories of Hope Online

Eternal Wall of Answered Prayer in the UK launched an online initiative for Christians to offer the hope of Christ during the Covid pandemic

ENGLAND – January is a notoriously difficult month for many, and the pandemic has only highlighted the struggles individuals and communities are facing. In response the team behind Eternal Wall of Answered Prayer in the UK has launched an online initiative to offer the hope of Christ during such uncertain times.

The Answered Prayer Challenge involves Christians filming their selfie video testimonies of how God has responded to their calls for help and posting them on social media.

On the first day alone the campaign saw one million people reached.

Christians whose prayers have been answered are being encouraged to tell their stories online to make hope visible in the midst of the Covid pandemic.

The Answered Prayer Challenge launched on January 25th aims to flood social media with stories of hope and faith in Christ during these challenging times.

The initiative is part of the UK-based landmark set to open in 2022 the Eternal Wall of Answered Prayer. Their Founder is Richard Gamble.

The idea is that very simply we’re encouraging Christians to post a story of answered prayer, whether that’s by story or written and share with your followers, your family, your friends the thing that Jesus has done in your life. And then really simply nominate three other people. Challenge them to do the same and we hope that way we’ll be able to just get some positivity and hope for people on social media and they’ll be able to find the hope that we have in Jesus.

Meanwhile Carrie Lloyd one of the leads from Bethel Church leader explains why she believes this initiative is so significant.

I’m aware of what encouragement and the impartation of those testimonies onto other people that it’s actually a gift to share with other people. Not just something to share with myself and the Lord.

And the Answered Prayer Challenge will continue through until the end of February.

Read more news on England, World Missions and the Coronavirus Crisis.

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