Evangelical Leaders Lament the Death of Former President Sebastián Piñera

The news of the death of former Chilean President Sebastián Piñera in a helicopter accident has shocked the entire South American nation.

CHILE — The tragic news of the death of former Chilean President Sebastián Piñera in a helicopter accident has shocked the entire South American nation. Beyond his political legacy, leaders and Christian pastors in the country have highlighted the deep relationship that Piñera maintained with the evangelical community of Chile.

After the death of former Chilean President Sebastián Piñera in a helicopter accident, pastors and Christian leaders in the country have expressed words of commemoration for what was the life and relationship of the former president with the evangelical community of Chile.

Piñera was also recognized for respecting freedom of worship and participating in a traditional Thanksgiving service organized by the Evangelical Cathedral of Chile on the occasion of the country’s Independence Day celebrations in September of each year. During his government, the National Day of Evangelical and Protestant Churches was also celebrated at the Presidential Palace.

Bishop Emiliano Soto, President of the Extended Table of the National Evangelical Union of Chile, recalled what Piñera’s relationship with the evangelical world was like.

Emiliano SotoExtended Table of the National Evangelical Union of Chile:

“A person who had an excellent relationship with evangelical churches. He naturally respected religious freedom in Chile and also made relevant proposals for everything that was the entry of pastors into hospitals, prisons, among other topics of interest that the Evangelical Church had at the time.”

Pastor Hernán Pérez of the International Bethesda Church and Director of Radio Bethesda also commemorated the former president’s relationship with the evangelical church.

Hernán PérezInternational Bethesda Church:

“With the different entities and churches, he had an opening and permanent work. Later in his second presidential term, he was very pressured with the social outbreak, lost credibility within the evangelical people. Sad news for the Chilean people, and we are praying for his family and for all those who esteemed him.”

For her part, the current chaplain of the La Moneda Palace, the Lutheran Izani Bruch, expressed her condolences and said that as an evangelical Christian, she prays for his family to have comfort and peace in the face of the loss they are experiencing.

Chile celebrates three days of national mourning and pays tribute to former President Sebastián Piñera.

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