Franklin Graham Brings God’s Message of Love to the U.S.-Mexico Border

Evangelist Franklin Graham traveled to the United States-Mexico border to share a message of God's love in Chula Vista, California.

CALIFORNIA — Evangelist Franklin Graham traveled to the United States-Mexico border to share a message of God’s love. The final stop of the tour took place in Chula Vista, California, on Saturday, March 9. The God Loves You Border Tour visited 10 cities, starting in the Gulf of Mexico and ending in the Pacific.

Franklin Graham:

A couple of years ago, God just put this tour on my heart. We ought to go up the border. Preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. There’s all kinds of need, but the greatest need is the spiritual.

We have a historic opportunity to share the gospel along our border and to say, God loves you.


You are important to God. He loves you. The Bible says that God so loved the world. He so loved you. That he gave his only begotten son. That whosoever believeth in him. Should not perish but have everlasting life.

Participant 1:

I wanted to accept Jesus into my life and get closer to him.

Participant 2:

I knew it was that time to get right before the Lord.

Participant 3:

I was just like, “Lord, I’m your servant.”

Participant 4:

Franklin’s words touched my heart so that I could repent of my sins and accept God into my heart.

Participant 5:

Now I have the Holy Spirit and I feel I can leave here today and start fresh.

We’re really seeing the spirit of God move in these people’s lives inside of their hearts. God is still active. He’s still working today.

We have never seen an event like this. I can’t wait to see the harvest of the souls that just came to Christ.

The thousands of people who made a decision to follow Christ will impact every one of the border cities for years to come.


God loves you.

About the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

Founded by Billy Graham in 1950, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association shares the Good News of Jesus Christ around the world. Franklin Graham is continuing the lifelong work of his father, and since his first evangelistic event in 1989, he has held more than 325 outreaches in 55 countries. Before Graham brings the God Loves You Frontera Tour to 10 cities along the U.S.-Mexico border, he will preach in Mexico City on Feb. 17 and 18. Graham is also looking forward to preaching in Krakow, Poland; Birmingham, England; Glasgow, Scotland; Naples, Italy; and Can Tho, Vietnam, this year.

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