UNANDERRA, AUSTRALIA — Launched in 1999, and now celebrated in more than 90 countries worldwide, International Men’s Day is going from strength to strength. One of the six pillars of International Men’s Day is to improve gender relations and promote gender equality for both men and women. In this light our theme for IMD 2021 is “Better Relations Between Men and Women.”
“Our mission this year is to help individuals, families, churches, communities, small business and corporates, including NGOs and Governments work towards better relations between men and women.
“International Men’s Day promotes the need to value manhood and womanhood and help people make practical improvements for positive relationships between the sexes. We thank all our IMD Brothers and our new IMD Sisters for their support and help as together we make the world a better place.
“The social science research shows that when men, as fathers, are supportive and caring towards the mother of their children, their sons and daughters benefit greatly. https://www.fatherly.com/health-science/science-benefits-of-fatherhood-dads-father-effect
“On the IMD website we provide suggestions on how to celebrate International Men’s Day, and how to get your local community involved, create a community event and/or special award ceremony.
“November is an important month for the masculine soul because it celebrates several events that are important to men.
” Movember is the month dedicated to supporting men’s health. The day following International Men’s Day, 20 November, is International Children’s Day which forms 48 hours of celebration for men, children and the special relationship fathers have with their children.
“We urge you to get together with some friends & celebrate International Men’s Day on 19 November.”
Dr Jerome Teelucksingh, founder of International Men’s Day, from Trinidad & Tobago said,
“International Men’s Day has the potential to become the global medium to heal our world. The concept and themes of International Men’s Day are designed to give hope to the depressed, faith to the lonely, comfort to the broken-hearted, transcend barriers, eliminate stereotypes and create a more caring humanity.
“I and the team at International Men’s Day encourage you to plan to celebrate International Men’s Day and to wish everyone a happy International Men’s Day on 19 November 2021.”
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Official.International.Mens.Day
IMD Promo: https://youtu.be/r1WpCrN3wsw
Website: www.internationalmensday.com
CONTACT: Warwick Marsh, 61-418-225-212; Dr. Jerome Teelucksingh, jtluxing@yahoo.com
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Source: Christian News Wire, International Men’s Day Friday 19 November 2021 — Better Relations Between Men & Women