June Hunt’s ‘Hope in the Night’ Honored with 2020 National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) ‘Radio Impact Award’

Hope for the Heart's "Hope in the Night" by June Hunt was honored today during the National Religious Broadcasters Convention with the "Radio Impact Award"

PLANO, TX — Hope for the Heart’s “Hope in the Night” was honored recently during the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) Convention with the NRB “Radio Impact Award” in recognition of the late-night, call-in radio program’s kingdom-level impact on Americans. Hosted by biblical counselor, speaker and author June Hunt, “Hope in the Night” has offered real people with real problems real encouragement and solutions from God’s Word for 25 years.

The 2020 NRB Special Service & Media Awards recognize the most outstanding ministries, facilities and programs/producers in the world’s preeminent association of Christian broadcasters and communicators. “Hope in the Night” is one of 24 recipients across seven areas of focus: Special Service, Church Media, Digital Media, Intercollegiate, International, Radio, and Television.

“I’m humbled that NRB has honored ‘Hope in the Night’ with this esteemed recognition,” said Hunt, host of “Hope in the Night” and founder and CSO of Hope for the Heart.

“We began using radio 25 years ago to offer biblical hope and practical help to people who are hurting and facing life’s toughest challenges. This award is an affirmation of the way God has used the show to change and save lives.”

For more than two decades, Hunt has compassionately walked with callers searching for answers to life’s most troubling questions by providing biblical encouragement and Scriptural solutions.

“The Bible tells us that ‘sorrow may last for the night, but his joy comes in the morning,’ but this truth can be hard to hold onto late into the night when we face things like grief, depression and loneliness,” said Hunt.

“We have seen time and again that offering wisdom from God’s Word offers renewed hope during those difficult moments.”

“Hope in the Night” is broadcast on more than 300 stations nationwide and is a ministry of Hope for the Heart, which equips individuals with biblical help and practical hope so that they can be encouraged and pass it along to others.

This spring, Hope for the Heart will release Lifeline to Hope, a unique and proven resource to equip the Church in providing biblically-based care and connect lives in crisis with a life in Christ.

To learn more, visit hopefortheheart.org.

CONTACT: Heidi McDow, 972-267-1111, Heidi@alarryross.com

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