London Atheist Finds Christ at Men’s Gym Outreach

thanks to the Body and Soul gym outreach at Word of Life Church in London, Naz gave his life to the Lord and now attends church twice a week

LONDON — Naz is a young Londoner who was angry, depressed and felt empty. He was among the 50% who don’t know a Christian. But thanks to the Body and Soul gym outreach at Word of Life Church in London, Naz gave his life to the Lord and now attends church twice a week, has joined a Bible study group, and is part of the community outreach team.

Timothy Fielder LCM Missionary:

Before, I wasn’t a very happy person. I didn’t believe in God at all. My heart was very cold. Body and soul changed my life.

Rowland HenshawPastor, Word of Life Church:

We moved into this building in Grove Park. One of my prayers was, “God, I need help, because when it comes to evangelism, I don’t think we were good at it.” So one day I just got a telephone call that Tim wants to speak to me, and that was how the journey began.


What we were trying to establish is what are the needs of the area and how can we as the believers in the area meet those needs through the giftings in the church. And so we came up with Body and Soul.


Body and Soul is a gym for men and what happens is we start from teaching them and doing exercises and then going on to teaching the scriptures and it’s helping us to reach the men.


We met George who was going into the community and obviously that’s a hard thing to do but he was faithful, he kept on doing that.

George Zammit Member, Word of Life Church:

Every Saturday we go out into the community. I knocked on this door, introduced myself, and then I just thought, hey, let me just tell him about the body and soul. And as soon as I mentioned this body and soul, this guy, now see, his eyes lit up.

Naz CrewMember, Word of Life Church:

If George would have knocked on my door about six months earlier, I probably wouldn’t have answered at all. It was just depressed, I just wanted to be alone. So yeah, he knocked on my door at the right moment, at the right time. On my first day at Body and Soul, I was really knackered.

It was interesting gathering around in a circle, doing the prayers, knowing different verses and stuff that I hadn’t heard about, which you can relate to your everyday life as well, helps you, encourage you, motivates you.

I’ve been going to Body and Soul for five months. Tim sent me a text saying, “Can you help me set up.” We were just sort of chatting. He asked, “Do you think you’re going to go to heaven.” And I was like, “No” And then we did a repentance prayer. And then as soon as he touched my shoulder, I felt like this incredible amount of energy just like surged throughout my body. Yeah, just lit a fire from there on. That’s when things started to change.

I’m coming to church more often. I’m being a part of what they do. I’ve got four Bibles now. I’m like hungry for the word.


If there wasn’t people like George going out, then Naz wouldn’t be here.


It’s a good thing to partner with LCM. So the help LCM is giving us is actually where we need help.


We want to see believers flourish. We want to see churches flourish. And through that, we want to see communities flourish as well as they come and hear about Jesus.


It’s very important that people know about Jesus because there’s a way to repent and there’s a way to change and there’s a way to be entered into the kingdom.

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