Mobile Dentistry Ministry Continues in Kyiv Region

The team from the charitable mobile dentistry ministry with KJMC has been traveling around the Kyiv region in Ukraine.

KYIV, UKRAINE — For more than a year now, the team from the charitable mobile dentistry ministry with Kyiv Messianic Jewish Congregation has been traveling around the Kyiv region in Ukraine, providing people affected by the war with qualified medical care. On average, the team sees more than 20 people a day, and in total, we have helped more than 700 people.

Oksana Dentist:

It’s been more than a year since we’ve become volunteers and started taking trips around the Kyiv region to help people in this tumultuous time for all of us.


On average, we see 20 patients or more a day. All in all, we have provided dental care to more than 700 people.

NataliaMoschun Resident (Kyiv Region):

We’re so grateful to people who provide us with such an opportunity to have our dental work done for free, since the war has ruined it all, our home, our means of income.

AnastasiyaMoschun Resident (Kyiv Region):

Dental care is very costly nowadays, but it’s very much needed. I’m profoundly grateful, because this help makes a huge difference.


In times like these, it’s impossible not to help. We even get a deep sense of satisfaction knowing we can do something to help. We also get support from the ministers in the Jewish congregation. They pray and share from the word.

IrynaMoschun Resident (Kyiv Region):

This is not the first time dentists visited our village. When I first had my tooth filled, my tooth had cracked. I said, “Dear Lord!” I went to my mom and said, “Mom, my tooth cracked.” “That’s it,” she said. “They are not coming anymore.” A week later I get a phone call and they said, “We’re coming to your village again. They must have heard you,” my mom said.


It’s very hard for the people, those who survived occupation. That’s Irpin, Hostamel, Butcha, Mostisha, Lukinivka Village. We visited the boarding home for the disabled, the completely immobile.


Our dental care experts are highly qualified. These dentists are professionals, for the most part, working in private clinics. They help, they take part in this project on their days off. In other words, it’s a real sacrifice for them to come here.


We hope for victory. That God after all is on our side. He gives strength both to the soldiers and the people who stayed in Ukraine. To the volunteers and to the people simply with big hearts who help others.

About KJMC

Kiev Jewish Messianic Congregation (KJMC) was born shortly after first Festival of Jewish Music and Dance, organized by the mission “Hear, O Israel!” (Jonathan Bernis), which took place in Ukraine in 1994. Boris Grisenko has been the rabbi (pastor) of KJMC from the very beginning. Rabbi Boris was also the Vice Chairman of the Ukrainian Interchurch Council and holds an Honorary Doctorate in Theology from CLST (Christian Life School of Theology). KJMC has grown over the years and today numbers more than 2,000 people. The congregation is comprised of Jews and non-Jews, all of whom have accepted the Lord Yeshua ha’Mashiach (Jesus Christ).

The KJMC vision is focused largely on the revival of the Jewish people, including:

  • So that every Jew would know his Messiah
  • The unity in the Body of the Messiah to be restored
  • To break free of non-Biblical extremes of Judaism and Christianity
  • To bring about freedom from antisemitism, indifference, and other non-Biblical attitudes as well as freedom from Humanism and occult spirituality

Read more news on Non Profit Organizations, Humanitarian Services, Disaster Relief, the Refugee Crisis, Ukraine, and Russia on Missions Box.

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