More than 10,000 People attend Evangelistic Campaign in Camagüey, Cuba

More than 10,000 People attended the Bible Event in Cuba

CAMAGÜEY, CUBA — In the vibrant city of Camagüey, Cuba, the impactful “Bible Event” took place, an evangelistic campaign that gathered more than 10,000 people. With the participation of various Christian denominations, including the Baptist Church and the Assemblies of God in the province, the event was marked by a message preached by a Russian evangelist, accompanied by the harmony of a choir and a praise group.

Among the participants, the shared desire to experience a revival in Cuba by 2024, with the hope of miracles, repentance, and liberation

Recently, the city of Camagüey, Cuba, witnessed an evangelistic campaign called the “Bible Event”. In the event, around 10,000 people, both Christians and non-believers, gathered together. The event featured the participation of various Christian denominations, including the Baptist Church and the Assemblies of God in the province. The message was preached by a Russian evangelist, and the event included the intervention of a choir and an interdenominational praise group. Additionally, Bibles were distributed to the attendees.

The organizers hope that by 2024, Cuba will experience a great spiritual awakening and an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, with miracles, repentance, and souls liberated from the enemy.

Cuba is a country with a rich religious diversity. However, the predominant religion in Cuba is Catholicism, with 60% of the population identifying as Catholic.

There is also a significant influence of African beliefs, which represent approximately 35% of the population. These African beliefs often combine with Catholicism in syncretistic practices, such as Santería.

There is also a presence of other Christian denominations, such as evangelical churches, and other religions.

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