“No Regrets” Men’s Weekend – 12 Rounds in Romania

“No Regrets” Weekend Ministry in Romania exists to encourage, empower men to live their lives after the manly model found in the Scripture.

OCNA-MUREȘ, ROMANIA — The Carpenter’s House from Ocna-Mureș, Romania, has been organizing for several years meetings for men out of a desire to encourage them to live a life according to a model the Scripture gives us. This three day event takes place at the end of the week and it encompasses messages from the Word of God, prayer, worship and a variety of activities of socializing and sport. This year, the gathering took place in Valea Căptălanului, in County Alba, Romania and we invite you to follow the next report.

The “No Regrets” Weekend exists to encourage, motivate and to empower men to live their lives after the manly model found in the Scripture. The organizers were motivated by the fact that they noticed a need in men’s lives, so that they may become the best husbands, fathers, and leaders God has created.

Mihai Decean, Pastor, The Carpenter’s House – Ocna-Mureș, Romania:

A few years ago, I saw this need, that something needed to be done in men’s ministry. I saw men that were caught up in life, men that maybe are victorious, that are well, but at the same time there are many men with many problems, in debt, in sadness, they don’t find their reason, they don’t find the point of living, and have families that are neglected and many more, there are many needs, but especially needs of the soul.

Augustin Decean, Organizer, The Carpenter’s House – Ocna-Mureș, Romania:

This is our wish, that people come in this place, especially men, even children, and when they leave to the places that God put them, they will be different, with a closer relationship to God, with a new challenge, with passion if I may say. Many times, we read in the Bible that if a vessel is cleaned, it will be of use to its Master. And that is exactly what God wants from us. Let us clean ourselves! Men also need cleaning.

This year’s title, 12 rounds, is inspired by athletes’ lives. Similar to boxers, Christians need to be ready not only physically, but also mentally.

Nick Decean, Co-Founder, The Carpenter’s House – Ocna-Mureș, Romania:

God is calling you to fight, to believe, to pray and to keep moving forward and to not give up. 12 rounds means the fighting ring of life, you fight to the end, amen? In this world, before you start to fight in this world, you first have an inner fight, in your mind.

The speakers had practical messages that can help men with day to day life.

Vladimir Pustan, Pastor, Holy Trinity Church – Beiuș, Romania:

I was saying tonight that women are, exist, but men have to become. And so they cannot become unless they are in a place where their language is spoken, in which we try to see what we can do so they can become better fathers, better husbands, better sons. Because a strong man means a strong husband, meaning a strong father, meaning a strong child. The husband is the head of a family. A strong family means a strong church, which makes more stronger families, making an even stronger church.

Irinel Ștefan, Elder, Filadelfia Church – Timișoara, Romania:

We became people with a bad reputation. Again, I repeat, I ask the youth that are here this morning, youth that practice a sport, that have in their hearts to become someone, I ask you to be very careful because at one point everything may seem very good – money comes, women come, fun comes – but in the end… there’s a trace left behind.

Matei Baciu, Târgu Mureș, Romania:

I held a seminar in this conference and I spoke about priorities and balance in life, as well as the personal development of each man.

In the three days of the event, God touched the lives of people through message, worship and prayer.

Ninio Decean, Pastor, The Carpenter’s House – Cluj-Napoca, Romania:

I believe that God, in our days, wants to raise a generation of men that love, first of all, their wifes, their children, their family, to be priests in their homes, and then to truly be evangelists and people that change society around them, in their workplace or wherever God put them.

Ghiță Dicoi, Pastor, Flacăra Închinării Church – Alba Iulia, Romania:

I believe that today, as men, we need to return and enter the status we had and still have, of priests and leaders of our homes.

Iacob Feresz, Ocna-Mureș, Romania:

Lately I’ve been thinking about this issue, that God is waiting for more, He wants us to search for Him with passion and He wants to work, as in He wants us more.

Dani Rusu, Pastor, Christian Center Brașov, Romania:

I thoroughly enjoyed seeing what God is doing in our country in men, with men and how they can become a blessing to the younger generation.

Beniamin Duca, Oradea, Romania:

You actually have a change of thinking and I believe that this is the greatest help and impactful thing not only in my life, but in the lives of many others that are here.

Sorin Nicolae, The Carpenter’s House – Ocna-Mureș, Romania:

Seeing the men singing with such passion, raising up their hands, clapping, as a result of being part of the worship is amazing. And I believe this needs to happen more often.

Sergiu Dicoi, Harvest Church – Timișoara, Romania:

I noticed that there are other men that have specific challenges that I also deal with, and I leave encouraged that you can overcome it, we’re not alone, God is fighting for us and we are with God who is mightier than what is in the world.

The place where everything unfolded is called Valea Căptălanului, in County Alba, Romania. Nicu Decean said that this blessing followed up after being in obedience of God.

Nick Decean, Co-Founder, The Carpenter’s House – Ocna-Mureș, Romania:

God blessed the church through our obedience of Him and the fact that we follow the principles of the Word of God. God gave us this property and He gave us a vision for the church, for men, for children, for the youth, so that this may be a place where people can have encounters with God.

During the “No Regrets” weekend organized by The Carpenter’s House in Ocna-Mureș, approximately 300 men were present from Romania and foreign countries.

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