OM’s Project Rescue Transforms Young Lives in Guatemala

GUATEMALA — In this Day-Care-Center like ministry, OM Guatemala helps around 45 children twice a week with food, tutoring, teaching values and mentoring. Also the mothers of the children receive guidance and support in different areas of their lives. OM Ministry Coordinator Ruth Schmutz explains more about how Project Rescue works and the impact it’s had on so many young lives.

Ruth Schmutz – OM Ministry Coordinator

My name is Ruth Campos de Schmutz. We are in Teja, Chimaltenango. What we do here is serve the children. We work with 30 children from low income families, whom we give food twice a week. We help them with their homework and we share devotions which is most important so that from a young age they learn about God and get to know Him.

The situations which the families live in is high poverty. They live in overcrowded spaces which means that it is a small place where 5 to 8 family members live together. They are families who need a lot of material and physical help, but most importantly they need spiritual support.

Flor is a 12 year old girl. Her mother never registered her in the national registry. So she was very vulnerable to become a victim of human trafficking because this area is known for a lot of prostitution. So when we became aware of her case we immediately took the case and seeked the help of another Christian organization which offers legal assistance. A month after taking the case, Flor and her siblings’ legal process was successfully finished. Flor is now continuing her studies because the missing documents became a problem for her to go to school.

They have changed a lot in their attitudes and their behaviour. Today they are more obedient kids and teenagers. But its not just their attitudes, it’s also their health that has gotten better as well as their nutrition. At school they perform better and can graduate to the next grade level.

It is a project that was born in the heart of God. It is important to do what God is dreaming and planning and that is why we are here. We are being an instrument in the hands of God.

Read more news on Guatemala and World Missions on Missions Box.

About Operation Mobilisation (OM)

Operation Mobilisation started in the summer of 1957 when George Verwer and two friends sold their possessions to raise money for a trip to distribute Christian literature in Mexico. From this first trip, the small team began to share their vision to mobilize Christians from around the world to reach the nations. As hundreds of Christians responded, the Operation Mobilisation movement was born.

Today, over 3,300 OM workers, representing over 100 nationalities, are bringing God’s love and truth to millions every year.

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