“Prayer House” from Targu Mures, Romania

The Prayer House from Târgu Mureș, Romania is a place where believers from different denominations gather to pray and to worship God.

TÂRGU MUREȘ, ROMANIA— The “Prayer House” from Târgu Mureș, Romania is a place where believers from different denominations gather to pray and to worship God under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The leader of the project, Cotiso Mărgulescu, will tell us more about this initiative.

In different places of the world, along the years, many prayer houses appeared after the model of David’s tent, where the worship and prayer is happening without stop. Such an initiative can be found also in Târgu Mureș, Romania. At the beginning, it all happened in a living room.

Cotiso Mărgulescu, leader “Prayer House” – Târgu Mureș:

In 2014, when I took over The Prayer House, it all happened in our living room. After a year, the owner came and said: You have to move out, the house will be demolished. We want to built apartments here. For half a year, me and my family, we had 3 children then, stayed in one room.

Historically, Târgu Mureș County had to deal in 1990 with an interethnic conflict between Romanians and Hungarians. Cotiso Mărgulescu says the need of reconciliation between the nations was one of the reasons that The Prayer House moved here.

Cotiso Mărgulescu, leader “Prayer House” – Târgu Mureș:

I felt when we moved here that we have a calling as a Prayer House, but also personally. I come from a mixed family and I felt the need to pray for a reconciliation between the nations. Meanwhile, the context we are living in, here in Ardeal area, where Christianity represents exactly what is happening around the world, a diversity, and of course with that comes the problems. The other calling is a reconciliation between the denominations. We don’t want to erase denominations, but we want to prove, and not only to prove, but to demonstrate that fact that there is a thing that we can do together, and that is to pray.

“Prayer House” doesn’t have an ethnic structure or doesn’t belong to a denomination, but it is open to every believer that loves Jesus.

Cotiso Mărgulescu, leader “Prayer House” – Târgu Mureș:

We have people hired here whose work is to pray for 4 hours every day and another 4 hours they have other activities. Then we have people coming here as volunteers, because they love prayer. As nations, we have three nations present: we have Romanians, we have Hungarians and even some Germans. It doesn’t matter the church you attend in order to come to the Prayer House. Of course, we pray to Jesus Christ, so we are talking here about Christian believers.

Alexandru Miron, “Prayer House” – Târgu Mureș:

In Târgu Mureș we live a different reality from other areas in Romania. Here we are half Romanians, half Hungarians. And not only this, but different denominations also reflect in The Prayer House.

Daniel Rita, “Prayer House” – Târgu Mureș:

God is good and worthy of praise, and we, the people need a connection with God. I think the world needs intercessors, the people who love God. My heart is burning for intercession. I love to pray for Romania, I love this country. I want to see Romania, finally, as a bride who adores God and I think only them we will truly see the beauty of Romania. That is my reason to live and the reason I am in the Prayer House.

Szabolcs Gherghely, “Prayer House” – Târgu Mureș:

One of the important things is that here, in Romania, to happen a big change through the Holy Spirit, an awakening in the hearts of the people, in different churches, in different denominations that live here.

Margit Molnár, “Prayer House” – Târgu Mureș:

What brought me here, what is keeping me here is that I can pray and worship according to God’s will. I am thrilled that here at the Prayer House I can pray with enthusiasm, from the bottom of my heart, for the reasons that my heart aches. So, I can pray for artists. I can pray more creative, more special, just like the Holy Spirit is guiding me through painting or music. All these make me very excited. I can pray for righteousness, for Romania to have a culture of righteousness. I pray more young people understand sexuality way that God is calling them and for them to be a blessing for their partner and for the country. All these make me very excited!

The main calling of the Prayer House is worshiping God and then intercession for different causes.

Cotiso Mărgulescu, leader “Prayer House” – Târgu Mureș:

We have a special time of prayer for Israel every Thursday morning, it is very important and we always have special experiences. Also, we have a prayer time for men which is always very strong, we are here at least 4 men that pray at 7 o’clock in the morning. On Fridays, we pray for children. We pray for Christian marriages. We have a special prayer for all the Gospel’s servants. We have a prayer for life, for a culture of life each Monday morning. A very important thing we have regularly, a prayer for spiritual awakening and it is done together with many communities here in our area. We pray for business people, for leaders, because we consider that if the leaders are on God’s way, a lot of things can change. And this includes politics, also. We pray for the purity of the young people, for pure relationships before marriage, but also in marriage. And we have a special prayer, we call it a creative prayer, where the ones who are talented can come and pray with their artistic talent.

Prayer is an important part in the life of a believer, but also in the life of a church. The Prayer House in Târgu Mureș is and independent and interdenominational ministry.

Read more news on Christian Ministry, Prayer and National Missionaries on Missions Box.

Source: Global News Alliance, “Prayer House” from Targu Mures, Romania

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