Promise Keepers Launches National Event to Re-Ignite Revival Movement

Christian men's ministry Promise Keepers announced plans to launch a national event in 2020 with expectations to reignite revival among men sparked in the 90s

Christian men’s ministry Promise Keepers has announced plans to launch a national event in 2020 with expectations it will reignite the revival among men sparked in the 1990s.

The event called The PK Experience, taking place at the AT & T stadium in Arlington, Texas July 31 and August 1 is expected to attract crowds of up to 80,000.

Promise Keepers, the Christian men’s ministry which filled stadiums across America and convened over a million men to the Mall in the District of Columbia in the 1990s, has announced a new national event at AT&T Stadium in Dallas July 31 and August 1, 2020. This significant gathering is projected to draw 80,000 men from across the country and around the world, with another projected 5 million participating via simulcast.

Pastor Art Remington, Jr, National Ambassador at Large for Promise Keepers says the key to re-igniting this movement will be unity among different ministries and denominations:

“Our heart is to partner with other ministries. As Ken Harrison our president/chair and CEO, he says let Promise Keepers be a platform for other ministries to men in this nation. It’s got to be all of us locking arms and locking shields, pushing back the gates of hell and especially getting men to rise up and become men of God and then we will see this nation transformed and changed for his glory and his kindgom.

It’s not about Promise Keepers being back again, but it’s about a move of God in the hearts of men. The revival we saw in the 90s is going to be just a shadow in comparison to what we’re going to see worldwide where God’s going to get men back to the basics. They’re going to get back to their knees, praying, basking in the word of God and then we’re going to see our world and national changed for the glory of Him.”

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