The Winter Kyiv Jewish Messianic Congregation Retreat 2021

The winter retreat complied with the quarantine restrictions but was as fiery as ever! A week of praying, worshipping, & experiencing God

UKRAINE — The retreat complied with the quarantine restrictions but was as fiery as ever! A week of praying, worshiping, and experiencing God’s tangible presence. This was the atmosphere that believers dove into from 40 different countries, including the United Arab Emirates! Some people were able to attend and immerse in the retreat atmosphere on-site – while social distancing and observing safety precautions, of course.

The retreat complied with the quarantine restrictions but was as fiery as ever! A week of praying, worshiping, and experiencing God’s tangible presence. This was the atmosphere that believers dove into from 40 different countries, including the United Arab Emirates!

Some people were able to attend and immerse in the retreat atmosphere on-site – while social distancing and observing safety precautions, of course.

Boris Grisenko, Senior Rabbi, Kyiv Jewish Messianic Congregation:

Somewhere in the beginning of December we made a tough decision either to cancel the retreat or postpone it. But then – God intervened. In two steps He changed certain rules in Ukraine and finally our government truly heeded the requests of believers and the opinions of a number of lawyers and they made an exception – even with another lockdown introduced – and that gave us an opportunity to gather (one person per every 5 square meters)

Alina Duka, Offline Retreat Attendee:

If I had a chance to fly to the Maldives or some other fancy resort I would choose this retreat and this time over that every time.

Nina Koltsova, Offline Retreat Attendee:

If possible – you should take a leave of absence at work or several days-off. Because to spend a day of rest with God when you worship Him with brothers and sisters in such an atmosphere – it’s just awesome!

However the majority of people attended the retreat services remotely, online.

More than 7,000 people joined the live stream, worshiped God, delved into the Word with those present off-line. Simultaneous interpretation into English was available throughout the retreat services as well as simultaneous interpretation into Spanish in the evenings.

The retreat program was as eventful as always. The pastors and rabbis from different countries brought topics of interest for many.

The Speakers of the retreat were: Kirt Schneider, John Chisholm, Walter Breidenbach, Sergiy Shydlovsky, AndriyTyschenko and Borys Grysenko shared from the Word both on-site – in Kyiv and online via video-messages.

Boris Grisenko:

There are certain resonating – I would say – spiritual pivot points. One of them is willingness to enter into the new, willingness to be renewed, willingness not to dwell on the past – on the old. And, we can say, being flexible for the Holy Spirit.

The retreat attendees prayed in unity in the key issues of the present time. A great deal of time was devoted to praying for the United States of America

One of the key prayers at the retreat was the prayer against antisemitism and Nazism. By the way, an event devoted to praying against antisemitism on an international level will take place on January 23-24.

Many online retreat attendees not only watched the services but also left their prayer requests in the comment section below the streaming player.

Kateryna Kolomiets, KJMC Minister:

This is what happens: people who attend online usually write to us in the comment section below the streaming player. Part of our team interacts with them. These team members send the prayer requests to other members of the team who pray. But it’s not a corporate prayer for all and everything. We try to give personal calls, to talk and pray thoroughly, if they are willing, of course.

An abundance of great miracles usually happen at the retreat. And we are trying our best to spread the glory of God all around the world so everybody sees. Miracles happen even when you watch online not only when you’re in the hall

If you want to see what’s happened at the retreat, don’t miss the Shabbat services following the retreat

In between morning and evening sessions in the main hall, everyone had a chance to join various seminars.

By the way, this year the seminar “on relationships between the sexes” was held in the format of a talk-show. The host invited 3 couples. Their life-experiences served as an example of how to deal with challenging family issues. And the talk-show experts – rabbis and elders – provided their feedback.

Rodion and Tatiana Samoylovich, Experts at the Talk Show:

I’d like to hand it to those families, and those who are about to become a family. To talk so openly about their path, their relationship – a great deal of courage is required. Since they were revealing some personal things in front of many other people. I believe it’s important for others to understand that family life is not always a walk in the park as it may seem. But there’s always a solution.

We have our own family experience. We’ve raised 4 children. We have very fulfilling relationship experiences in our family. And we can share our experience with others.

Use the time of lockdown to benefit yourself. And though the winter retreat 2021 is over, you can still register to watch the KJMC retreat video recordings online.

Read more news on Ukraine, Christian Ministry and the COVID-19 Crisis.

GFA’s Statement About Coronavirus

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