SAT-7 Launches First Programmes from Tunisia

SAT-7 launched their first ever broadcasts from Tunisia, starting with a television show highlighting the Christian meaning behind Christmas

TUNISIA — SAT-7 have launched their first ever broadcasts from the North African country of Tunisia, starting with a television show highlighting the Christian meaning behind Christmas. More shows are planned for this year including a discussion programme called Standard Talk.

George Makeen, SAT-7 Arabic Channels International Director, says: “It is exciting to see a small but active Tunisian Church of believers from non-Christian backgrounds, with the passion to produce programmes in different genres and to build capacity for the future. They are ambitious and optimistic!”

As Tunisia marks the tenth anniversary of its Jasmine Revolution that brought democracy to the country, SAT-7 announced the first programmes it has made there.

Christmas in Tunisia is the first programme and was aired over Christmas 2020. It was produced in Tunis by Perpetua, a new Christian production team that SAT-7 has equipped and supported.

The special programme was filmed on location in the capital, at a local church, in the market, and in the home of a Christian family as they opened gifts and shared food with other Christian friends.

George Makeen, SAT-7 Arabic Channels International Director, says the small team behind it wanted to explain the spiritual meaning behind the Christmas traditions that Tunisians are familiar with. They were also keen to share the faith experience of those who believe in Jesus as their Saviour.

The same production team also produced a series of discussions entitled Standard Talk that gives Christian perspectives on topics ranging from knowing God to family life.

Makeen says, “It’s exciting to see a small but active Tunisian Church of believers from non-Christian backgrounds, who are eager to go on screen and communicate with their society.” He says they come with the passion to produce programmes in different genres and to build capacity for the future. “They’re ambitious and optimistic,” he adds.

Makeen explains that Tunisia is seen as a model by many in the Arab world. “Firstly because, since its uprising, Tunisia saw a peaceful transition to a multi-party democracy. Tunisia is also more tolerant of freedom of expression and more empowering of women than elsewhere. Christians coming from the culture can inspire the rest of the Arab world through their messages and faith,” he adds.

About SAT-7

Launched in 1996, SAT-7 ( — with its international headquarters in Cyprus — broadcasts Christian and educational satellite television programs to more than 30 million people in the Middle East and North Africa. Its mission is to make the gospel available to everyone and support the church in its life, work, and witness for Jesus Christ. SAT-7 broadcasts 24/7 in Arabic, Farsi (Persian), and Turkish, using multiple satellite channels and online services.

CONTACT: Matti Stevenson, 719-360-0586,

Read more news on Tunisia, Christmas and World Missions on Missions Box.


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