The 10th International Prayer Against Anti-Semitism and Nazism Unites Believers All Over the World

For the 10th year in a row more than 300 churches were uniting in prayer, raising their voices and making a stand against Anti-Semitism and Nazism.

KIEV – The believers from more than 30 countries around the world prayed against anti-semitism and Nazism a short while ago. For the 10th year in a row, the representatives of various confessions and denominations from more than 300 churches were uniting in prayer, raising their voices and making a stand against this phenomenon. Which, being a curse, not only divides nations but also erects walls between God and people.

I prayed for a proper Biblical foundation as well as a healthy Biblical attitude towards the Jewish people in the churches and global community.

One of these prayer events took place in Kyiv. Bishops and Pastors from different churches contended against antisemitism in the two key areas: the Church world and the Government. Since back in the day, the State policy towards the Jewish people in a number of countries was harsh and judgmental. Which again laid the foundation for everyday antisemitism. As a result, fear gave way to stigma and, paradoxically though it may sound, antisemitism spread among the Jews themselves.

I was born to a family with a Jewish mother, my grandmother and great grandmother on my mother’s side were Jewish.

Even as a child, I convinced myself that I wasn’t a Jew, that Jewishness had nothing to do with me. I was rejecting it in every way possible.

As a Jew, I was antisemitic towards myself. God gave me a chance to repent of it. He helped me to decide to say these words: Lord, forgive me for deciding I wasn’t a Jew.

Most likely, you had no idea or never considered this, but antisemitism could lead to dire consequences, including curses in the lives of individuals as well as entire regions and countries.

I think this prayer is crucially important. The Church should stand with Israel at all times. Especially when the issue of antisemitism is in question. Who else but the Church will take a stand against this spirit?

Prayers like this is something God expects from all the believers. Since the Jewish people was and still is God’s chosen people. Most importantly, there are more than enough reasons to pray these prayers. You could find them in the Holy Scriptures. As the organizer and initiator of this international prayer – the Kyiv Jewish Messianic Congregation reminds us:

It takes unified prayer for genuine repentance of these ancient sins. Only this will break the strongholds and truly breach the hostile dam that is holding back a wave of world revival.

Besides this annual international prayer, the ministers of the Kyiv Jewish Messianic congregation organize open prayer meetings for all who care. There they pray against antisemitism and Nazism. Also, the seminars are held to help people understand better how this spirit works in order to pray more effectively.

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