Examining the March of Life in Bogotá

This was the March for Life in Bogotá, Colombia

BOGOTÁ — In Colombia, the “March for Life” was held, which reaffirms the country’s friendship with the Jewish people and rejects any type of anti-Semitism. Thousands of people attended this event, which took place in Bolivar Square.

The March of Life began in 2007 when grandchildren of the authors of the Holocaust against the Jewish people walked with survivors and their descendants along the death roads of the years 1944 and 1945, taking steps of reconciliation.

So far, Marches of Life are being held in 20 nations and 370 cities in cooperation with Christians of various denominations, Jewish communities and local authorities to remember, reconcile and raise a flag against modern anti-Semitism. For this reason, the March of Life was held in Colombia.

In this way, Colombians rejected anti-Semitism and expressed their friendship with Israel and the Jewish people. The concentration took place in Plaza de Bolívar, the center of the capital. The walk is based on the Jewish values that dictate that life is holy and that it is necessary to take care of it and respect it. The message is that the past must be processed without allowing oblivion.

The Israeli ambassador to Colombia, Gali Dagan, participated in this event, organized by the Yovel community, which is led by Pastor Raúl Rubio. The ambassador from Poland, Pavel Wozni, the great rabbi Alfredo Goldschmidt, and the Confederation of Jewish Communities of Colombia also participated, who thanked the accompaniment to this event that dignifies the name of Israel.

Banners of Israel and white shirts were the protagonists, Bogotá dressed in fraternity and hugged with haremgas, applause and whistles to a country that has been a lighthouse for the Latin American continent. This is added to the Yom HaShoah 2023, considered a national holiday in Israel.

It is annually remembered as a “Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Holocaust and the Courage of the Resisting and Surviving”. It is a day of national commemoration in Israel, in which the 6 million Jews killed in the Holocaust, the anguish of those who were released, and their return to life are remembered.

At 10 o’clock in the Yom HaShoah, the sirens sound for two minutes. Public transport vehicles stop for that period, and people remain silent. During the Yom HaShoah, public establishments are closed, Television and radio broadcast songs and documentaries about the Holocaust, and all the flags are raised up to half-mast.

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Source: Global News Alliance, This was the March for Life in Bogotá

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