The Vision of the National Women’s Conference at Mamaia, Romania

Women in Romania and the diaspora gather every year at the National Women's Conference in Mamaia to learn how to live in obedience to God

ROMANIA — Women from different denominations in Romania and the diaspora gather every year at the National Women’s Conference in Mamaia to learn how to live in obedience to God, how to discover their calling and how to be a blessing to those around them.

Over the course of time, women, along with men, have made an important contribution to spreading the gospel throughout the world. In the Bible we find examples of faithful women who carried out God’s work in their homes, churches, and communities. Among national initiatives which address women are the Mamaia Conferences coordinated by Ligia and Tibi Seman, which aim to restore and equip women.

Ligia Seman, Coordinator for National Women’s Conference-Mamaia:

We hear messages from the Spirit of the Lord about what it means to walk in our destiny.

Tibi Seman, Coordinator for National Women’s Conference-Mamaia:

We thank the Lord that He gave us an Eben Ezer, “a stone of help” as Scripture says, in these particularly difficult times.

The messages of the speakers invited to these events had a strong impact among the participants.

Mihaela Cordea, Deva:

In previous years as I’ve benefited from all the teaching here in Mamaia, I’ve honored these women and continue to honor them because they are women of faith, women from whom I’ve had something to learn, with a lot of potential, women who’ve given so much value to the Word of God that I fell in love with this Word of the Lord.

Maria Bujor, Drăgănești-Vlașca, jud. Teleorman:

All the people who were leaders in this conference, their words about God penetrated,….how can I say,….touched my heart. And I understood that I had to be much, much, much more passionate about God’s Word.

Oana Buzner, Timișoara:

The conference was very constructive from all points of view, first of all for the soul, in the sense that we received very good advice that we can apply. What did it mean for me? It meant that I found myself in many of the characters that the ladies taught us about and they are role models.

The choice of Mamaia resort for the conferences is not accidental. The organizers consider it a strategic spiritual place, and the meeting of women in the Name of Jesus Christ is a response from God for this area of the country.

Mihaela Cordea, Deva:

It seems to me a great challenge for this place to be chosen. In what sense? Here a very great, spiritual struggle is going on, in this place. That’s how I perceive it and I’ll tell you why. Because, it seems that with each passing year, the battles are greater and know this, each of us, from the organizing group, before coming here we pay a price. Either through suffering, or through an illness, or through a problem. Of course, God always shows His supremacy and above all things it’s His power that comes to our aid and we overcome them well.

Women from different denominations in Romania and the diaspora gather every year at conferences in Mamaia to learn how to live in obedience to God, how to discover their calling and how to be a blessing to those around them.

Ligia Seman, Coordinator for National Women’s Conference-Mamaia:

I believe that every woman left with a full heart, determined to become a woman of destiny, a wife after the heart of God, a mother after the heart of God and a woman who will be useful in her church respecting what we call a culture of honor , giving respect to the pastor and the authority of the pastor.

Angela Țiprigan, Timișoara:

What I like about these conferences is the unity of spirit that is created between people of different ages, different religious affiliations. No fences are put up.

Carla Livia Albu, Drăgănești-Vlașca, jud. Teleorman:

It’s necessary for women to be armed and able to carry the Word of God forward, to be able to tell it to those around them, either in their families, at work, or wherever they go.

The motto of the Women’s National Conferences at Mamaia, coordinated by the Seman family, is verse 20 in chapter 4 of 1 Corinthians, which says “the kingdom of God is not in words, but in power.”

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