Wheelchair For Peruvian Girl is a Tangible Answer to Prayer

Through Joni and Friends, Angela's mother received the answer to her prayer request - a custom-made wheelchair and a Bible

PERU — Angela was born in Peru with cerebral palsy and hydrocephalus. With limited financial resources, her family suffered discrimination at local hospitals as they sought out tests and therapies for their daughter. Feeling rejected, Angela’s mother prayed for help. Through Joni and Friends, Angela’s mother received a tangible answer to her request. The charity’s Wheels For the World project provided Angela with a custom-made wheelchair and a Bible, which has transformed their family’s life.

Aimé – Angela’s mother

When Angela was born my life changed completely. I found out six months after my daughter was born that she had a disability. First like everyone my reaction was I felt sad. But I accepted my daughter and I accepted what God sent me. For me she is a blessing sent by God, an Angel.

Angela was diagnosed with hydrocephalus and cerebral palsy.


I have suffered discrimination at the hospitals, due to lack of financial resources. For not having money to pay for therapy. CT scans, MRIs. Yes. I was rejected. They’d pushed me aside. They told me to come back when I had the money. I have a daily struggle. Because what my daughter actually needs is a pediatric wheelchair. Which is financially impossible for me to buy. But I daily prayed to God to please help me. Because she needs it. So I prayed everyday. I said to God ‘Only you will send me the right person at the right time. Or to find the way to get a wheelchair for my daughter. That’s how I prayed. And through the struggle I’ve had. I just had hope someday that would come true.

Wheels For The World provides wheelchairs to those in need around the world. Each recipient is fitted by a trained therapist. They received a customized wheelchair and a Bible in their own language.


I’m very happy to see my daughter in her wheelchair because I know I’ll be able to take her out in that wheelchair and take her everywhere. My life before having the wheelchair was a little hard because when I had to go to the market or something, I had to leave Angela at home. Now I know I can take her everywhere thanks to the wheelchair. Yes the wheelchair has made my faith stronger and I know God listens to our prayers. And I’m very thankful.

Read more news on Peru and Disability on Missions Box.

About Joni and Friends

For 40 years, Joni and Friends has provided the hope of the Gospel and practical resources to people affected by disability around the globe. Ministry programs include Wheels for the World, Family Retreats, the Christian Institute on Disability, and church ministry training. Joni and Friends also delivers inspirational media such as the Joni and Friends radio program and podcasts. To find out more, please visit www.joniandfriends.org.


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