Gospel for Asia on World Mosquito Day: How to Avoid Deadly Bites

A woman gratefully receives a mosquito net to help keep the pests from entering her home and transmitting diseases.

WILLS POINT, TX — Gospel for Asia (GFA World and affiliates like Gospel for Asia Canada) founded by Dr. K.P. YohannanDiscussing  World Mosquito Day and how GFA workers are using the day to bring hope into the lives of their neighbors. 

World Mosquito Day, observed on August 20, marks the date in 1897 when Sir Richard Ross, a British doctor, discovered the connection between a mosquito bite and deadly malaria. Gospel for Asia (GFA) workers honor the commemorative day each year by providing life-saving information to their communities about how to prevent the devastating illnesses one mosquito bite can cause.

The Impact of One Mosquito Bite

GFA workers clean their community of garbage and standing water to eliminate breeding grounds for mosquitoes.

Though the infamous anopheline mosquito is responsible for transmitting malaria, it is just one of more than 3,000 mosquito species in the world. One hundred and seventy-five of those species can be found in the United States, while a whopping 870 species are found in South Asia.

Mosquitoes are among a group of disease transmitters responsible for more than 17 percent of all infectious diseases and up to 700,000 deaths each year. As a result, Gospel for Asia (GFA) workers work hard to make sure people in their communities know key facts about mosquitoes and are equipped to avoid their bite.

One group of workers held an hour-long program educating attendees on different types of mosquitoes and how they pass diseases to humans. Around 36 men, women and children attended and were grateful to learn information about the two elements required for mosquito reproduction: blood and water.

Blood provides nourishment to the female mosquito’s eggs before they are laid, hence their need to bite. However, when they take the blood they need, these parasitic insects can leave behind an unwanted trace of their presence by transmitting harmful, even deadly, disease.

“If we are a little bit aware, then the mosquito will not get their eggs to breed,” one woman in attendance learned. “If we come together and keep the places clean, then we will be free from mosquito bites.”

People gather to learn how mosquitoes transmit disease and how to prevent their reproduction.

Providing Relief from the Pesky Pests

A Woman’s Fellowship group in Kolkata hosted an awareness program to explain how garbage and stagnant water can attract mosquitoes because their eggs require water to hatch. They also taught villagers how to look for and eliminate these areas.

A woman gratefully receives a mosquito net to help keep the pests from entering her home and transmitting diseases.

After the program, the team took time to painstakingly clean every corner of the marketplace in their village.

Other groups of Gospel for Asia (GFA) workers have blessed people in their districts by distributing mosquito nets and coils. Both of these tools are effective in building a barrier between humans and mosquitoes. They provide the added bonus of peace of mind, especially while people sleep.

“Thank you so much for providing me this mosquito net as I was in need of this. I think your God has seen my struggle,” one man said as he received his net.

World Mosquito Day is named for a pesky insect with a deadly bite. Still, Gospel for Asia (GFA) workers have found ways to seize the opportunity to bring hope to their neighbors.

Read more news on Mosquito and Malaria and Gospel for Asia on Missions Box.

Read a Special Report GFA released on the dangers of mosquitoes.

Learn more about the blessings of mosquito nets on Patheos.

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