Banquet of Love for Homeless in Dallas

Operation Care International provided vital food & clothing to homeless in Dallas during valentine's weekend event called The Banquet of Love

DALLAS, TX — While Dallas was hit last month with extreme winter storms, Operation Care International provided vital food and clothing to many of the city’s homeless people during a valentine’s weekend event called The Banquet of Love. And many not only experienced practical help but also encountered the love of Christ with a some even being baptised on the day.

On the weekend of Valentines day at the peak of the winter storms in Dallas, Texas, Christian charity Operation Care International partnered with several ministries to host a “Banquet of Love” for the homeless in a building that used to be a strip club.

Volunteers served a free valentines meal as well distributing shoes, warm coats and new clothes. And these ministry leaders and volunteers explained why they had got involved in this outreach.

“That’s the reason I’m doing this. It’s for the kingdom of God.”

“I flew all the way from Independence, Missouri and you know it’s all about Jesus man showing the love of God. That’s what it’s all about.”

“We’re here to serve the sons and daughters of the Lord.”

“I represent Noble Life Outreach and our main focus is to reconcile people to Christ. That’s our main focus and our only focus.”

“I was a drug addict for nine years. I was hooked on crack cocaine, heroin, PCP, ecstasy. I lost everything because of drugs. But somebody preached to me the Gospel of Jesus. They told me that Jesus would change my life. I gave my life to the Lord. I’m not a drug addict anymore. And everything I lost God gave me back and I was just want to show the same thing.”

On the day six people decided to accept Jesus and OCI Director Mike Tirone had the joy of baptizing four of them in the mobile baptism truck.

I just love redemption stories. People giving their life to the Lord. This is a perfect picture of God redeeming and taking back what the enemy tried to steel.

And this man concluded by sharing what this banquet of love had meant to him.

Fellowship and seeing everyone come together for one cause.

About Operation Care International

Operation Care International is a non-profit organization that exists to glorify God by meeting the physical needs of homeless and impoverished people. Since its inception in 2001, OCI has served more than 150,000 individuals, including 28,000 children in 11 countries. The Christian ministry has funded construction of a school building in Kenya, a medical clinic and a school in Cambodia. For more information, visit

Read more news on Disaster Relief on Missions Box News.

Source: Global News Alliance, Banquet of Love for Homeless in Dallas

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